
  1. A

    Filenaming Season and Episode Numbers not working

    I've been at this for days, and I can't seem to get the advanced record settings to name TV recordings with Series and Episode Numbers in MP 1.16 on a Windows 10 machine. I've tried the options in "Movies" and "Series" with defaults and my own options and the file names come out with blanks...
  2. D

    mc2xml and Episode Numbers

    (Media Portal 1.17) I've been using mc2xml to get guide data from the "new" Microsoft servers. It generally works, but will go down occasionally. Considering that Media Center has been removed from Windows 10 I've been working on a switch to SchedulesDirect. I'm still using mc2xml to pull data...
  3. G

    Episode Number Formats

    My TVGuide xml files contain either "dd_progid" info or both "dd_progid" and "xmltv_ns" episode info. Sample below for a single program: <episode-num system="dd_progid">EP00871042.0030</episode-num> <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">3.1.</episode-num> This is not...
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