Filenaming Season and Episode Numbers not working (1 Viewer)

Anthony Gagnon

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  • March 11, 2016
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    United States of America United States of America
    I've been at this for days, and I can't seem to get the advanced record settings to name TV recordings with Series and Episode Numbers in MP 1.16 on a Windows 10 machine. I've tried the options in "Movies" and "Series" with defaults and my own options and the file names come out with blanks where the data is supposed to go when viewing the filenames in Windows Explorer.

    I've got the zap2it guide data working perfectly for everything else and I see the tvguide.xml file has the Season and Episode number in a string and the episode number looks correct for the season and episode numbers starting at zero.

    Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

    Also, I've been researching this for a while and tried several plugins and rename tools. I haven't gotten any of that to work either. Sickbeard renamed the files correctly for some files, but that was because the date in the filename for the recording matched it's database for when it first aired.

    I'm trying to have S##E## for files for off the air shows that are being shown as re-runs.

    Anthony Gagnon

    MP Donator
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  • March 11, 2016
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    United States of America United States of America
    Update: I kept at this until I found a solution (or 2 rather). I didn't know it at the time, but perhaps this post would have been better served in the EPG discussion area.

    To those viewing this that might have the same problem:
    Thanks to @lightshock and @Lehmden for this development and for their posts to help me find this solution.
    Episodes2TVGuide (E2T) - Customizing tvguide.xml

    • Solution1 was to use EPG-buddy to update the tvguide.xml file to have readable season and episode numbers for Media Portal 1.
    EPG-Buddy a new EPG Tool with easy usage.

    Set up was straight forward with the instructions at the link above except for one little issue. I didn't realize that when the GUI asked for "path" for EPG Source, it meant to put the path AND file name in the box.
    It's working now with zap2it and it keeps the "new" recoding flag ("*" appended to new files) which I really require since I don't want to record old shows as often as reruns are aired.
    But For the reruns, it should give me season and episode numbers correctly, since I do record reruns of some shows that I haven't seen all of them.
    This seemed to update the xml file but I'm not sure that it will work with the new recording flag.

    • Solution2 was to update my already existing batch file to remove "common" and "dd_progid" from the zap2it xml file output. I tweaked the code at the link below provided for mc2xml to be for zap2it.
    mc2xml and Episode Numbers
    XMLTV Idiot's guide please....hoping there is one!!

    REM cd "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\xmltv\cache"
    REM del /f /q *.*
    cd "\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\xmltv"
    zap2xml.exe -u username -p password -o tvguide_raw.xml -A "new live"
    findstr /V "system\=\"dd_progid\" system\=\"common\"" tvguide_raw.xml > tvguide.xml
    REM The above line removes all lines that contain of system="dd_progid" or system="common" and then writes to a new output file called tvguide.xml

    Note that Solution2 allows episode numbers and season information into MP even if there is a new flag. The solution seems to work and I'm not aware of any downsides for removing lines with the two strings found in the xml file.
    For this to work, one would have to change the username, password and file paths in the code above. Have the zap2it.exe in the path you reference and xml plugin on MP TV server use this path for the TVGUIDE.xml file.

    I'll try and mark this as solved and update if I find out more...
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