34 Clients .. Need some ideas (1 Viewer)


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  • January 7, 2005

    you are right about your concerns regarding the quality of product such a client will be expecting, and this is exactly whatwe are doing right now, we are studying the different options and trying to come up with the best possible solution. And yes, money is no object to these people and they do expect a rock solid solution in which they don't have to use anything but the remote to operate they toys :)

    btw. if in the end the chosen product happens to be MediaPortal and the money is not an issue then please consider a small donation also :D And even if the MediaPortal doesn't get "choosen" please let us be informed how the project goes as I'm sure all HTPC / home cinema (etc.) people are interested in such a big projects.


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  • April 7, 2005
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    btw. if in the end the chosen product happens to be MediaPortal and the money is not an issue then please consider a small donation also :D And even if the MediaPortal doesn't get "choosen" please let us be informed how the project goes as I'm sure all HTPC / home cinema (etc.) people are interested in such a big projects.

    ^^ what he said :D

    Considering that even advanced STB's crash from time to time I guess we're not that bad at all ;)


    Portal Pro
    October 20, 2006
    definitly ... donation is the first thing on my list to do ... if i gain a buck off MP then this buck is shared with MP :) and of course i will keep you updated on how this project will go


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  • February 22, 2008
    on your IPC$
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    you are right about your concerns regarding the quality of product such a client will be expecting, and this is exactly whatwe are doing right now, we are studying the different options and trying to come up with the best possible solution. And yes, money is no object to these people and they do expect a rock solid solution in which they don't have to use anything but the remote to operate they toys :)

    btw. if in the end the chosen product happens to be MediaPortal and the money is not an issue then please consider a small donation also :D And even if the MediaPortal doesn't get "choosen" please let us be informed how the project goes as I'm sure all HTPC / home cinema (etc.) people are interested in such a big projects.

    btw. if in the end the chosen product happens to be MediaPortal and the money is not an issue then please consider a small donation also :D And even if the MediaPortal doesn't get "choosen" please let us be informed how the project goes as I'm sure all HTPC / home cinema (etc.) people are interested in such a big projects.

    ^^ what he said :D

    Considering that even advanced STB's crash from time to time I guess we're not that bad at all ;)
    My samsung 360 decoder crashed every 2 days.. :D

    Considering anyone with a standalone tvserver with some tuners and gigabit or wireless N already has the potential to run at least 20 clients on the same server (if they all would be watching a HDTV channel)..
    for normal broadcast tv this number can be 50 or so..

    I have had upto 9 clients watching tv at the same time.. including my neighbours with wireless connection .. :D
    No problem whatsoever..
    also build 29-03 is still running without a hitch for 5 days !! cant get it to fail ..
    (there are some minor things but it is stable , those minor things can be fixed later on :D)
    usually I try a new build every 2 days..


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 22, 2008
    on your IPC$
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    34 Clients, how are you going to get that many tuners in a single server? It appears that the master / slave server functionality has been broken for some time and no fix is in sight.

    See https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...onfiguration-after-adding-slave-server-20359/

    that can be done with floppydtv.. you can link them 1 to another..you only need a big case for it..
    and if you would tune 1 card to 1 transponder and set cam limit to the number of channels on that transponder you can go a long way with say 8 tuners.. considering that a transponder contains from 4 to 10 channels ..which can be decoded at the same time..


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  • August 9, 2005
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    You also have to factor in the chances of actually having to access all transponders at the same time. Say there are 10 transponders (I don't know how many each satelite typically has), do you really 10 tuners? Would 6 give you enough simultanious coverage to make it seem like everything is available all the time?

    6 tuners could be, say 50 available channels at all times. And with 34 clients, there is a chance that all 6 transponders could be untilised, but what are the chances of that?

    Sure these customers may want it all and be able to pay for it, but in reality there is absolutly no need in building an over the top system (which will add a massive amount of complexity) when it isn't needed.

    No matter what, this setup is going to be expensive. I would have thought the client would want to work with you in getting it all up to a certain level and working correctly, before expanding it to be a complete 100% coverage system. If I was getting a contractor in, this is how i would do it. Get the first half dozen clients up and running then expand and learn about it from there. No need to go for everything in one shot. :)


    Portal Pro
    October 20, 2006
    geting the system 100% up and running is not a problem, it could be a problem if you want to implement MP, but there are many systems out there that can provide the setup with absolute stability, mostly systems that are used in hotels. what i am doing right now is researching for alternatives. yesterday i came across LinuxMCE, which its demo video shows alot of functionality and looks stable, so i will be testing that. there is also Freevo, whihc is also linux based system, i will give that a test run also. but it all boils down to how many options can you put in one stb, and how much will that stb cost you :) right now to put a htpc in every room is very costly (on top of the other main equipment such as central servers, switches, dishes, etc.)


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  • February 16, 2005
    lol, I stay in a lot of big chain hotels for work, and I can tell you that most of the big hotel type set ups may be stable, but they are painful to use for long periods. Lot's of slow response times and not as intuitive as you'd like.
    They are fine for just watching a movie on demand but use them for a week or so and you're pulling your hair out ;-)

    I've also had to call concierge every so often to get either my room's system or the hotel system itself reobboted when strange things happen.


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  • August 9, 2005
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    Have a look at MythTV as well if you are still looking at different PVR setups.

    Obviously networks clients are a lote more expensive than hotel type infrastructures, but the increase in functionality is massive, and in my opinion worth the additional costs :)

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