4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 24, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
hi very nice skin! im using the darker blue theme. looks cool. like it more than blue3.

BUT... the newest onlinevideos-plugin does not work... cant search on youtube. copied the files from the svn but nothing changes... would great to add that cool icons from the plugin, too.

AND why isnt that skin in popular skins. this is the best custom 43skin ever!!! :)



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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Eyep0p, thanks, glad you are enjoying the skin! I'm working on a new theme atm (teaser screenshot attached - MyFilms)!

    By 'newest' OnlineVideos Plugin, I assume you mean 0.9.1? As listed on SupportedPlugins - amped - Plugins supported by the aMPed skin - i.e. skin files provided. - Google Code the version we tested (and support) in aMPed 2.0 was 0.8.7. There were major changes in 9.0 which is probably why it is not working for you.

    Edit: I just took a look at 0.9.1 and we already did an update for it. I just tested it and it is working fine on my system (can search YouTube, and get Icons view, if that's what you meant). It was in Revison 381 in SVN on aMPed Google code. All the new media/icon files were added as well. How did you copy them from SVN?


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Just a suggestion for your great skin, would be cool if there was a way to access My Lyrics plugin from within the My Music section. There is another skin that does this, cannot remember it's name at the moment.


    Yes that would be a great function as its a bit of a pain to have to backtrack through several menus to get to My Lyrics.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Reg - We did add the MyLyrics button to the menu in MyMusic in aMPed 2.0 final. Are you using the latest verison of aMPed? The button only shows when you have the MyLyrics plugin installed and activated in MP Config.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    @Reg - We did add the MyLyrics button to the menu in MyMusic in aMPed 2.0 final. Are you using the latest verison of aMPed? The button only shows when you have the MyLyrics plugin installed and activated in MP Config.

    Ah silly me, I just checked it out and yes it is there, I just have to use the back arrow key and there it is at the top of the menu list, works fine.

    I have been on aMPed 2.0 final for a while now and working pretty well. I have since added a few plugins to my system and most work well, although the YouTube one is causing me a few problems. When I try to download a file it crashes MP. A message comes up saying MP has encountered an error and needs to close. Don't know whether this has anything to do with aMPed or the actual plugin.

    Another problem I have is that I often get a message that MTN.exe has encountered an error. I have no idea what MTN.exe is.


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    MTN.exe is MovieThumbNailer. It creates thumbs of your movies. I believe I've read somewhere that MTN has issues with certain video formats (I believe HD formats such as H264)

    I do not know why youtube crashes for you, could you maybe post your logfiles after the crash? I'll take a look at it for you. Use MP watchdog log collector or post at least these log files;
    - error.log (if exists)
    - MediaPortal.log

    You say "downloading" youtube files? Do you really mean downloading, so saving it to disk or do you mean streaming? If you mean downloading (I do not even know if the youtube plug can do that) it might also be related to MTN. Maybe it tries to create a thumb, can't and then crashes MP.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    MTN.exe is MovieThumbNailer. It creates thumbs of your movies. I believe I've read somewhere that MTN has issues with certain video formats (I believe HD formats such as H264)

    I do not know why youtube crashes for you, could you maybe post your logfiles after the crash? I'll take a look at it for you. Use MP watchdog log collector or post at least these log files;
    - error.log (if exists)
    - MediaPortal.log

    You say "downloading" youtube files? Do you really mean downloading, so saving it to disk or do you mean streaming? If you mean downloading (I do not even know if the youtube plug can do that) it might also be related to MTN. Maybe it tries to create a thumb, can't and then crashes MP.

    I have a digital HD tuner card, so yes my tv programs are recorded in H264 format so that might be the source of the MTN crash problem.

    My ADSL connection is only 256k and doesn't do you tube that well, even outside Mp. I can only download clips and then play them. In the youtube plugin if I try to play a music clip it is also very jerky mostly, but it does have an option to download the files, if I use the info button on my remote and scroll down the menu to the bottom there is a download option. It starts to download, gets partway through and then crashes MP. I have run watchdog and collected logs which I am going to try and attach to this message.



    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    MTN.exe is MovieThumbNailer. It creates thumbs of your movies. I believe I've read somewhere that MTN has issues with certain video formats (I believe HD formats such as H264)

    I do not know why youtube crashes for you, could you maybe post your logfiles after the crash? I'll take a look at it for you. Use MP watchdog log collector or post at least these log files;
    - error.log (if exists)
    - MediaPortal.log

    You say "downloading" youtube files? Do you really mean downloading, so saving it to disk or do you mean streaming? If you mean downloading (I do not even know if the youtube plug can do that) it might also be related to MTN. Maybe it tries to create a thumb, can't and then crashes MP.

    I have a digital HD tuner card, so yes my tv programs are recorded in H264 format so that might be the source of the MTN crash problem.

    My ADSL connection is only 256k and doesn't do you tube that well, even outside Mp. I can only download clips and then play them. In the youtube plugin if I try to play a music clip it is also very jerky mostly, but it does have an option to download the files, if I use the info button on my remote and scroll down the menu to the bottom there is a download option. It starts to download, gets partway through and then crashes MP. I have run watchdog and collected logs which I am going to try and attach to this message.


    I disabled the youtube plugin as it was crashing but when I just reenabled it in MP config plugins I got instantly got the MTN error.


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hey Reg, just checked your logs and I can tell you this is no skin issue.
    What the problem is I can tell you, how it's caused I can't yet, the logs are inconclusive.

    The logs tell me that the music video you were downloading has been "file locked" by another process (perhaps MTN, or youtube, dunno). The stacktrace tells me this happens after the youtube plugin is downloading.
    So this all seems like a plugin issue. It for sure has nothing todo with amped.

    I would suggest trying out the onlinevideos plugin. It also has a youtube part. Although aMPed currently does not support the newest release but you can always copy the blue3 skin file in there.


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  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    To stop the MTN error, just disable auto create thumbs for videos in the Thumbs section of the MP config.

    I don't use the icon views for RecordedTV (I think they are ugly - don't know how to make 'em pretty) and was getting the MTN error every time I entered Recorded TV, disabling the video thumbs creation stopped the error.


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