4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 22, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
To stop the MTN error, just disable auto create thumbs for videos in the Thumbs section of the MP config.

I don't use the icon views for RecordedTV (I think they are ugly - don't know how to make 'em pretty) and was getting the MTN error every time I entered Recorded TV, disabling the video thumbs creation stopped the error.


Yes I don't use icon views either, I have disabled it in MP config and will see how that works.


Portal Pro
November 22, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
To stop the MTN error, just disable auto create thumbs for videos in the Thumbs section of the MP config.

I don't use the icon views for RecordedTV (I think they are ugly - don't know how to make 'em pretty) and was getting the MTN error every time I entered Recorded TV, disabling the video thumbs creation stopped the error.


Yes I don't use icon views either, I have disabled it in MP config and will see how that works.

Well I have disbaled the TV thumbs option and sofar the MTN error has not come up.


Portal Pro
November 22, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
Hey Reg, just checked your logs and I can tell you this is no skin issue.
What the problem is I can tell you, how it's caused I can't yet, the logs are inconclusive.

The logs tell me that the music video you were downloading has been "file locked" by another process (perhaps MTN, or youtube, dunno). The stacktrace tells me this happens after the youtube plugin is downloading.
So this all seems like a plugin issue. It for sure has nothing todo with amped.

I would suggest trying out the onlinevideos plugin. It also has a youtube part. Although aMPed currently does not support the newest release but you can always copy the blue3 skin file in there.

Yes doesn't seem to be a aMPed problem as I just tried the youtube plugin with the blue3 enabled and got the same download crash.

I think I have fixed the MTN error which is good.

I have downloaded and installed the onlinevideos plugin, but not sure what version I now have of it as I started with a 0.33 but then found a 0.9.2 and I cant seem to uninstall the old version and when I tried the newer one over top of it, it came up with errors. The online videos plugin comes up with the various menus but when I try to save anything nothing happens, so I am not any better off. Maybe I will just have to stick to doing it in web browser on computer and forget doing it in MP, although it is nice to sit in armchair and do things with remote.


Portal Member
May 11, 2009
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Hello again!
First of all, naturally, big thanks to all people who still works on this best 4:3 skin ever! Special new thankyou for those new color themes, "monochrome" for aMPed is just what i needed, yesss.
Dadeo, if you dont mind, i have a question to you: you made nice "myvideo.xml" file modification that brings back big poster pictures in My Video shares browsing mode. There is a small thing now, with standart file myvideo.xml i am getting 9 browsing lines on screen. With your modified file i am getting just 7 lines (see pictures). Is it unavoidable by that specific file modification? Or maybe i messed up something (i doubt: i have clean aMPed 2.0 plus monochrome color theme)? 9 lines is better of course, but pig posters are great too... :)
So, is it possible to get 9 browsing lines -and- big posters?
Thanks a lot in advance!! ;)

P.S.: what the Hell happened with Weather its just not getting information form Net anymore...
P.P.S.: fixed weather with existing help in several forum threads, needs new fixed files WindowsPlugins.dll and MP-RSSTicker.dll


  • blck_std.jpg
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  • November 26, 2006
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    @Latvian - Glad you like the Monochrome high contrast theme, saves you changing backgrounds :)

    The reason the modified file has a shorter list is the description is supposed to display below the list. From your screenshot it looks like you only have posters and titles right? I set up your view so it would display more info if you had it. But if you don't, try this

    In your myvideo.xml file, change the line
     to         <import>common.facade.video.xml</import>

    And let me know if that works for you. I can't test it on my system as I do not have my videos set up like you do.

    Of course, it will never display descriptions or any other file data, but you can always go to Options and select the IMDB options to look up details if you want!

    RE: Weather - yes Weather.com changed their api so it wasn't working. For those who haven't found it yet, the link for the 'fix' RTV did is:
    And the link for the RSS-Ticker fix ltfearme did is:


    Portal Member
    May 11, 2009
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    Thanks for that nice quick response :)
    i mostly have just folders with movie file and image file "folder.jpg" wich i put there by myself. That image is displayed nicely as poster on the left. Sometimes there is .NFO text file in that movie folder too, sometimes not.
    You mean, i can set up IMDB lookup for shares browsing view too? Anyways, thanks - i will try to play around with your suggestions.

    Edit: Yes, that line change in (already modified for big poster) myvideo.xml helped, got 9 browsing lines and nice big poster picture on the left.Thanks to You again! :)


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Hey Latvian, you're welcome. You do realize you could get a lot more out of MP than you are now! For TV Shows the TVSeries plugin is fantastic. For Movies you have three options:

    1. MovingPictures Plugin- as Jamiro mentioned before. You can set it up to just scan your movie folders (easy if all the individual movie sub folders are in one main movie folder separat from your 'new' movies. It's the best for fanart and the easiest.
    2. MyVideos - If you configure MP under Videos to scan your movie files it will find all the IMDB info, covers, actors, etc. Again just scan a main folder that has all your movie folders in it and not the 'new' ones.
    3. MyFilms - lets you use an external database like ANT Movie Catalog or MovieCollector for total control of your movies. It is more complicated because it has a lot more features and fanart does not work perfectly yet (new version is coming and I am hoping it has better suppot for fanart).

    And yep, you can use IMDB lookup in Shares view. It won't show the IMDB data in Shares view though. You will have to go to the IMDB screen (via Options - using F9 or info key on remote). But once you have done a lookup, you don't have to do it again. And you can see all the info in the Video Titles screen for the movies you have looked up. It's really just the same as scanning them in MP Config under Videos, only doing them one at a time.

    The reason I mention it, is that aMped provides much better layouts for those screens and we are developing them even more.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    New Layouts/Style for aMPed

    Here are the new layouts for TVSeries, Moving Pictures and MyFilms for testing.

    Please check them out and give us your feedback since we are considering using this style everywhere for the next version of aMPed if you all like them!

    The layouts have been designed especially for better display of fanart and graphics.

    They can be used with the SuperBlue and Monochrome themes as well.

    You can easily revert to your current skin files, just back them up first :)

    MAKE SURE TO READ THE README.TXT file in the attached rar file.


    EDIT: I hope some of you can test Playlists in TVSeries for us. If they work for you we can use this style in all playlists.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Here are some screenshots of the new MyHome screens to go with the new layouts (see previous post). I just used some standard wallpapers as a sample.

    The idea is that you can use a single image as a backdrop and change it as you like, or you can use several images and have them cycle. I have it set to every 10 secs atm. You can use photos, wallpapers or whatever you prefer, ideally widescreen 16x9 resolution so they don't distort.

    1 - the Default theme 18pt font with Ticker
    2 - Superblue theme 14pt font with Video Playing
    3 - Monochrome theme - Geosanslight 14 pt font
    4 - Monochrome theme - Standard 14pt font, without the RSS-Ticker enabled just to give you an idea how different the screen can look.

    I'm still fine tuning!


    Portal Member
    May 11, 2009
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    Dadeo, thats excellent feature! Reminds me similar (not that advanced as here) possibility in XbmC 4:3 skin "Connected". Right now i am sticking only with MediaPortal, but some months ago I was trying to live with XbmC too, trying both media center softwares. Since i dont use TV features, only media files/discs playing, XbmC kinda fits me too. But one of dramatic things in XbmC is, that it uses tragicaly lot of PC resources, -especially- when doing nothing, in Home Screen (explaining is, that in Home Screen there are especially lots of stuff to render on screen).
    Anyways, back to topic - great idea with custom and even cycling backgrounds!! :) My very big pictures folder under name "Sci-Fi" will have some use ;) Didnt try those new layouts from precious post, but I will.

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