4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
February 12, 2006
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Germany Germany
Hi joz,
If you have an ATi card try the following, make sure the setting in the image is checked in ATi CCC;

I can't find this checkbox here:

Drivers are Catalyst 8.03.
Overscan/Refreshrate settings are done with PowerStrip.

Check your PMs :D



Portal Pro
March 17, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
My knowledge about this kinda stuff is limited. From Dadeo's post I get that you can somehow tweak stuff to get a sharper image by using overscan in someway.
I use catalyst 8.12 on my machine here and I have a tree node called "tv properties" which you seem to be lacking. Might also have to do with the different setups because I actually use a TV out and you do not technically speaking from a graphics card point of view.


By the looks of that image it seems that you can also manually adjust this "overscan" and "underscan" (the arrows). Again no real experience with all of that.


Portal Member
February 12, 2006
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Germany Germany
the weather-display (condition) looks good now, I added some hardcoded text to the xml to test it - not more linebreaks!
I can see the whole RSS feed when moving it 10 pts/px/whathever up. Changing the height of the plot in the video-overlay to 60 also solves my issues there.

One small issue in the wheater-view:

Is it possible to clean it up a bit in order to avoid overlappings?

I really understand if the above changes won't be integrated into the trunk. It's no problem for me to maintain some small local patchsets which I can apply whenever a new aMPed release arrives :D

Thanks & Regards,


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    That's great Moh, what did you hard code in the xml for the weather condition to display properly? I had the same thing happen on my weather today! And on the first line there was only one 5 letter word!

    We have made the RSS feed 10 pts higher, moved a few things around. I'm glad that works for you cuz there ain't no more space! I'll check out the Video OSD at a height of 60 and see if I can live with that.


    Portal Pro
    December 27, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    in the weather i would maybe move the weatherchannel logo out of the screen and then use the whole width to the 5 days announcement... just a thought...


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  • February 6, 2009
    Explorer :D
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    after a mess up of my Os i reinstalled windows and MP with the skin and the genre view and everything works fine not sure what it was but i will keep my eye on it

    couple of other things i get this random white line down the top left of the screen i cant work out were its coming from, also could you make the episode information screen always visable while browsing episodes i just feel it would be better that way


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Happy, glad to hear your genres/channel views are working now. I think the random white line is because you have the RSS Ticker turned on but have not provided any weather info. You can either add weather (and it will display where the white line is) or you can go into MP Configuration, Process Plugins, and disable the RSS Ticker. Since the plugin is supplied with aMPed, MP automatically turns it on.

    Re TVSeries Episode view, I''ll check if it is possible to control that just for Episode view :)


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  • February 6, 2009
    Explorer :D
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    Happy, glad to hear your genres/channel views are working now. I think the random white line is because you have the RSS Ticker turned on but have not provided any weather info. You can either add weather (and it will display where the white line is) or you can go into MP Configuration, Process Plugins, and disable the RSS Ticker. Since the plugin is supplied with aMPed, MP automatically turns it on.

    Re TVSeries Episode view, I''ll check if it is possible to control that just for Episode view :)

    Sorted, disabling the ticker gets rid of the line


    also i know your planning a major overhaul of the whole skin, are you going to make a more attractive moving pictures design's, as i setup mp for my uncle last weekend he has a HD TV and skins and moving pictures look awesome in there custom set ups


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    We just did a complete overhaul :) Blue3++ -> aMPed

    And not to dismiss your idea but I actually like moving pictures as it is! I was thinking redoing tvseries in such a style, so I guess that will be a bummer for you.
    We'll probably keep providing the old tv series style when and if a tvseries overhaul get's done.


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  • February 6, 2009
    Explorer :D
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    would something like that not look alot better, i mean would set it off, but then again i cant force you to do it lol

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