[WiP] 5154: MediaPortal 1 - x64 - SharpDX (3 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 19, 2010
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    I have decided to rework this post, becouse is no longer relevant. The SharpDX version is already included in MediaPortal since version 1.32.
    I will place on this post the preliminary installers of the new MediaPortal version for testing purpose.
    You can also find here some x64 compatible extensions not officially available yet.
    The WorldWeatherLite (SharpDX) plugin is already available from extension web page or can be installed directly from the MPEI.

    Before the installation, please always do the backup of your current application data folders for both 'MediaPortal' and 'MediaPortal TV Server' (located in 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal').
    If you do a New/Clean installation, then the current data folder is automatically renamed to BACKUP_xxxx.
    You can later copy the content from the backup folders back to the original folders.

    The x64 installator includes full x64 version of the TvServer. This version is not compatible with some TV Common Access CI cards due to missing 64bit native libraries. It is not decided yet wether this TV Server will be included in the new MP version or not. If you do not want to install this x64 version, then please use x86 version of the installer and during the x64 installation select the "Client Mode".
    Please note, if you are using some IPTV channels, the x64 version of the 'MediaPortal IPTV filter and url source splitter' is available from official web page or can be installed directly from the MPEI.

    If you already have the official MediaPortal 1.32 x64 with TV Server installed, I would recommend to uninstall the x64 version first before testing the new installators - the TvServer from official x64 1.32 installer doesn't work. And do the backup first(!).

    Please note, that you can have both x86 and x64 version of the TV Server installed. To switch the services, run these commands from the TvServer application folder:

    TvService.exe /install
    WatchDogService.exe /install
    For older TvServer versions the uninstall command must be executed first:
    TvService.exe /uninstall
    WatchDogService.exe /uninstall

    Current version: 1.33 Prerelease

    • MP x64 installator checks for VC++2008 x86 package to be installed. If you don't have this package installed yet, please use this link to install the required package first. (fixed)
    • Old MiniDisplay USB LCD drivers are not supported in x64 version of MediaPortal (yet). In case of request, I will try to implement the drivers into MPx86Proxy.
    • MediaInfoService issue(failed to start video playback): please use updated Database.dll from this post. (fixed)

    - added DVDArt_Plugin-v1.0.4.8.mpe1 plugin compatible with latest MPSync plugin
    - added MPCleaner-v1.1.0.24.AnyCPU.mpe1 plugin compatible with latest MPSync plugin
    - the MP installers have been removed: MediaPortal 1.33 Final is now official
    - new installer (x64)(1.33 Pre)
    - added IR Server Suite - 1.5.0 - MP-TV x64.exe to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - added imdbplus.plugin.v2.1.0.532.AnyCPU.mpe1 to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - added patched MediaPortal x64 1.33 PreRelease installer (fixes VC++ 2008 check)
    - updated OnlineVideos (x64). installer (now requires latest MpurlSourceSplitter)
    - updated Extensions.
    - the installers have been removed: MediaPortal 1.33 PreRelease is now official
    - new installers (x86, x64)(1.33 Prerelease)
    - fixed start of videoplayback(MediaInfoService issue)
    - fixed various Installer/MPE bugs
    - fixed exception when adding new Hauppauge TV Card (thx to @framug)
    - added BrowseTheWeb. to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - added Extensions. to the "Extensions.zip" file (for MP 1.33 Pre and higher)
    - new installers (x86, x64)
    - fixed VC++ 2008 x86 requirement for x64 installator
    - added MediaInfo caching(database) to speed-up start of video playback (namely for Blurays)
    - TVE: fixed/enhanced Hauppauge WinTV card support (SymbolRate parameter handling)
    - added AudioSwitcher_1.1.3.5.AnyCPU.mpe1 to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - added GlobalSearch- to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - added LogoManager. to the "Extensions.zip" file
    - new installers (x86, x64)
    - fixed some installation issues(namely for x64)
    - MPE Installer/Maker: added platform compatibility attribute to the package class
    - MPE Installer/Maker: added internal list(whitelist) of already x64 compatible extension
    - MPE Installer/Maker: fixed MediaPortal dependency versioning
    - includes all new patches
    - added "Extensions.zip" to the attached files

    In the attached "Extensions.zip" file, you can find x64 compatible extension installers not officially available yet:
    • AudioSwitcher_1.1.3.5.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • BrowseTheWeb.
    • DVDArt_Plugin-v1.0.4.8.mpe1
    • Extensions.
    • GlobalSearch-
    • IR Server Suite - 1.5.0 - MP-TV x64.exe
    • imdbplus.plugin.v2.1.0.532.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • LogoManager.
    • moving-pictures-
    • MPCleaner-v1.1.0.24.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • MPInfoService_v185.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • MP-TVSeries-
    • MyLyrics-
    • OneButtonMusic.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • OnlineVideos (x64).
    • Trailers_v1.3.0.1.AnyCPU.mpe1
    • TraktPlugin_v6.0.3.2.x64.mpe1

    Git repo for some plugins:
    GitHub - epbk/MediaPortal-1-Plugins: Plugins for MediaPortal 1


    • Extensions.zip
      93.9 MB
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Missing 64bit version of bass_wadsp.dll. Not sure what is for (some winamp effect lib?)
    An extension enabling the use of Winamp DSP plugins with BASS. - I think we can safely sacrifice it in 2023. :)
    have some trouble to compile georgius's MPIPTV Source Splitter
    As far as I remember, it is needed for IPTV, but if IPTV works, it is not critical.
    Attached file includes compiled package, native libraries and directshow filters based on official version v1.30.
    We should take the time to try it out, if all goes well, we should consider migrating to x64. Either completely, or at least as a parallel branch ... :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 19, 2010
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    MP2 is already fully x64 since years and now introduces .NET6. Why the effort for MP1?
    The main reason for the effort is to use advantage of LAV 64bit on my older NUC. The HEVC video on 32bit platform is unplayable.
    For me there is no reason to go for MP2 and I will stay on MP1 as long as possible.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    [*]Other plugins: no problem if source code is available - they can be recompiled. At least for OnlineVides, MovingPictures, TVseries, etc. For OnlineVides I'm using LAV source splitter, have some trouble to compile georgius's MPIPTV Source Splitter, but LAV can be used too. I'll try to ask doskabouter for some help.

    MPIPTV/MpUrlSourcesplitter is going to be quite a headache, there are a couple of (ffmpeg-related) dlls involved which were quite hard to make (if I even remember how I did that where I put the documentation)
    And for me, I still like/need the extra functionality of MPUrlSourceSplitter (download ability, having full control over headers sent, smoother playback when skipping forward/backward etc) so LAV is not an option for me


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 19, 2010
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    MPIPTV/MpUrlSourcesplitter is going to be quite a headache, there are a couple of (ffmpeg-related) dlls involved which were quite hard to make (if I even remember how I did that where I put the documentation)
    And for me, I still like/need the extra functionality of MPUrlSourceSplitter (download ability, having full control over headers sent, smoother playback when skipping forward/backward etc) so LAV is not an option for me
    Well, I was trying to build the source code, but currently I'm stuck on missing ffmpeg libs. I have managed to get missing OpenSSL libs but no idea how to deal with ffmpeg.
    Can you build 64bit version?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
    Home Country
    France France
    No reason? MP2 runs with LAV 64Bit and I can watch 4K movies smoothly, so I see at least one reason :coffee:
    Please, try to wake up a HTPC with MP2 with exotic IR like IRTRANS, without powerscheduler plugin force sleeping and after that we could discuss ;)

    see that
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