the problem is that too many layman seem to believe too strongly in their believes.
The way media portal works in music terms is ok and like all programs is not perfict. I currently use media portal to link to another app called silverjuke. Now while this again it has its own floors when hosting partys it works well.
For me simplist way to have a party setup is as follows. At the bottom of the screen a list of currently queued tracks so you can tell how long to wait, whats playing/played. At the top a nice big seach box to allow you to find tacks by any tag e.g artist/album/genre/date. In the middle vew of all the albums with maybe a number of ways of displaying depending on user prefernce. People pick a track which is then added to the bottoom of the queue each track is played in sequence. With an overide switch to allow the host to play a track next or move on. You need to have someway of stopping users from playing the same track over and over as well as stoping them from selecting loads from the same artist. Default that 10 stongs need to be by different artists or different tracks before they can be played again. If if you wish to have a random play setup if the jukebox is not in use that also good but it has properly randomize it's choices i.e make note of the last 10 tracks played and make sure it does not pick tracks from the same artist. It would also be usefull to for the host to limit it to say one genre e.g only 80's if there having an 80's party.
- The main selection screen needs to be modified heavily. I'll try to make some mock-ups soon. My thinking is, the current view only is the best in a very specific situation, where you want to almost aimlessly browse your collection, which i do sometimes. For this specific task one could design a much better view.