A strange twist on multiseat (1 Viewer)


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  • January 16, 2012
    Chicago, IL
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    United States of America United States of America
    Is it possible to have the TVAccessService component of MPExtended run on a machine other than the machine running TV-Server? This would be really helpful, as my TV-Server machine is pretty anemic. That's not an issue for regular TV-Server operation, since the capture cards (Colossus) have hardware encoders, but the system isn't especially suited to transcoding TV streams for mobile clients with MPExtended.




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  • August 29, 2009
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    No, that's not possible and probably won't be. We're planning to add support for having the StreamingService on another system though, which has the same effect.


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  • January 16, 2012
    Chicago, IL
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    No, that's not possible and probably won't be. We're planning to add support for having the StreamingService on another system though, which has the same effect.
    Hi Oxan,

    Thanks, that sounds great--any approach that lets me run the transcoding on a machine other than the one running TV-Server will be a big help. The VLC-based profiles in aMPdroid are unusable on my TV-Server machine, presumably due to the system's anemic GPU, and all it takes is a single channel of ffmpeg-based transcoding on HD content to max out the system's entry-level Xenon CPU. Do you have any idea when/in what version of MPExtended this feature will make its debut?

    By the way, great job on the recent 0.5.x releases of MPExtended. They represent awesome progress from the 0.4.x releases. Keep up the great work!


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