central database is a god idea
Great to see that you guys are on to what I think will be a coming problem.
I was CeBit this year & there are several ideas out there for linking HTPC components and/or streaming files from a central source--but they mainly seem to be directed at DRM problems/control.
But we already have:
1. networked computers
2. a database that should allow central calls without conflicts
My (as yet) unrealized dream is access from wherever I am to my own (legal) media files, so I can update my player, watch a movie on my laptop, etc (given safe (vpn?) fast connections on both ends) while on travel.
Great to see that you guys are on to what I think will be a coming problem.
I was CeBit this year & there are several ideas out there for linking HTPC components and/or streaming files from a central source--but they mainly seem to be directed at DRM problems/control.
But we already have:
1. networked computers
2. a database that should allow central calls without conflicts
My (as yet) unrealized dream is access from wherever I am to my own (legal) media files, so I can update my player, watch a movie on my laptop, etc (given safe (vpn?) fast connections on both ends) while on travel.