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- #91
same method as checkproxy.exe
I download a webpage to a local txt file
Then I read the text file into a variable
Look for the error code for unknown user.
Look for username = "?" picture ="?"[DOUBLEPOST=1376384634][/DOUBLEPOST]
There may be a bug in similar artists, it should be returning more than top artists (usually), will check. I think for top artists i use mbid and name, but for similar artists I am limited to mbid only, but I will have to confirm this (I cant remember). This maybe the reason why top artist is returning more videos than similar artists... Either that or I added a typo at some stage (I think it's probably the MBID+Name 'vs' MBID only issue).
I download a webpage to a local txt file
Then I read the text file into a variable
Look for the error code for unknown user.
Look for username = "?" picture ="?"[DOUBLEPOST=1376384634][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi, finally I have tried mvd (only small batch downloads though)! I can't really get the "Last.fm similar" to work, I only get videos from the top artists. I'm using music-video-downloader-v10c-fix-for-bulkdl.rar from the first post. Last.fm user: ministerkrister
Similar artists can be really slow to load, just give it some time. Turn on tooltips before you do it. For example if you go with default 100+20 expect it to take 10 minutes+ to build the list as it has to make 100 API calls in a row to last.fm then for every top artist + similar artist it has to make a call to audiodb.com, eg. up to 100x20 = 2000 api calls (realistically it is never that many, but it can be a lot) So basically think of it having to download 2100 small web pages to make the music video list. This is why I include lots of cache files in the cache folder so it is faster... I will add your collection to the cache file list. Running your user name ministerkrister with 100+20 in similar artists gives ~100 music videos from theaudiodb.com and if you enable pitchfork the number is around 3-400ish (guesstimate)
Hi, I think we have some kind of misunderstanding here. If I use "Last.fm similar" mvd only fetches videos for the top artists. Mvd gets the top artists then gets the similar artists after that no other requests.
I did a small test right now with 1+20 (all time top) just to check
I have tried with other settings eg 5+100 for all the different "Time period to check", mvd have never added any videos other than the top artists for the different time periods.
- Get top 1 (well top 200...)
http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?m...key=[api-key]&limit=200&page=1&period=overall- The response, The Mars Volta - no 1 top artist (mbid= 20883363-1ea4-4d72-ad72-c0e767038f3e)
- Get related artists:
http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?m...ad72-c0e767038f3e&Limit=100&api_key=[api-key]- Response contains 100 similar artists
- No more internet calls are made
- The "Add videos To Download List" does not contain any other artist than The Mars Volta
Maybe my selection is to narrow, or maybe I got a non video friendly music taste?
Edit: Tested 20+100 (all time top artists) - no similar artists in the "Add videos To Download List"
There may be a bug in similar artists, it should be returning more than top artists (usually), will check. I think for top artists i use mbid and name, but for similar artists I am limited to mbid only, but I will have to confirm this (I cant remember). This maybe the reason why top artist is returning more videos than similar artists... Either that or I added a typo at some stage (I think it's probably the MBID+Name 'vs' MBID only issue).
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