Audio Cuts out for second (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 3, 2013
Home Country
Australia Australia
Hi ,

I'm currently experiencing difficulty with my audio when watching TV. Every couple of minutes my audio cuts out for a second. I have only been using Media Portal for a couple of days and the 1st day it worked fine but since that I have been experiencing sound cuts. I have tried different combinations of TV audio codecs but with no luck. I might be experiencing a codec conflict but I am not sure where to look and what to do and if that is even the case.

Current setup which was advised during me following an installation guide at avforums.

3.8.2) TV Codecs (Wiki)
  • MPEG-2 Video Decoder = Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder
  • H.264 Video Decoder = Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder
  • MPEG/AC3 Audio Decoder = LAV Audio Decoder
  • LATM AAC audio decoder = MONOGRAPH AAC Decoder
  • DD+Audio Decoder = LAV Audio Decoder
  • Audio Renderer = Default DirectSound Device
If anyone has any ideas for me to find a solution, I would be much appreciated ?


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Press shift+! while watching TV, look for dropped frames or changes to the graphs that are associated with the audio cutting out. The audio cutting out might be related to MePo or it could be related to something outside of MePo (eg. tv reception/pc software/pc hardware/hifi hardware)

    Try rebooting your computer, that often solves problems.
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    Portal Member
    February 3, 2013
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Thanks for the reply, funny enough the above codec settings I stated I had set were not the ones I had.
    I was sure they were as I followed the guide from avsforums closely.
    I'm not sure if the StreamedMP skin changed anything as this was the only thing I installed after media portal.

    I have set the settings to the ones above and so far everything's going smooth.
    If I do encounter the problem again I will try what you said about shift+ as I have googled around and could not see anyone with the same problem in mediaportal and I will also report back here.
    Also, I did try rebooting the system first as this usually is one of things I do for many issues and it does fix alot.
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    Portal Member
    February 3, 2013
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    Australia Australia
    Hi again, TV audio is working fine now but my sound cuts out for a second approximately every 2 minutes when listening to MP3's through MP. There might be a conflict of drivers as I think I'm experiencing the same problem watching movies through another media player but this has all started after installing MP. I'm playing audio through hdmi through a receiver. Attached are my log files hopefully someone can figure this out.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Portal Member
    February 3, 2013
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    Australia Australia
    Hi, I have added my system specs but am unsure if my video card is PCI-E, also will changing this setting cause any issues with anything else. As games work fine. I tested a movie through another player, one I was having trouble with previously and it seemed fine, it is hard to troubleshoot when you have to wait 2-3 minutes for the audio cut. I'm hoping I think disabling sp-dif then has solved the problem. I am also experiencing the same issue with WMP. Is there a way to check if I'm having some sort of driver conflict as I think it may have something to do with LAV ?
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    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Changing this setting should not cause a problem because you are not using the onboard sound card. PCI-E is the type of slot on the motherboard, all modern addon video cards are PCI-E. I was asking if it was PCIe as if it wasn't then you would be using onboard video.

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