Audio Renderer Changer (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 11, 2008
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
And can you make a quick tuto for me to able to test ? (screenshot etc. minimal thingy to set)

In this Audio Renderer Changer post i attached screenshots of my setup.
1) Install plugin and lav filters
2) Choose renderers for video section in top menu "available audio renderer" and add them to list
3) Choose key combination or mediaportal action to change renderer
4) Restart mediaportal, play any video
5) During playing press key kombination or action to change renderer
6) If OK renderer will change without stopping playback and sound pass between devices


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I did a quick test :

    In log the change is done :


    I wasn't able to see the OSD on screen until paused (maybe related to madVR) and will able to do more test at home (i'm on remote right now)


    I have setup like this :


    Did you reproduce the same ?

    EDIT : screenshot from MP didn't take the name of the audio renderer change, but i can see them displayed (only on pause).


    Portal Pro
    April 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I test in 1.16, config Ctrl+K to render change and get log
    Than I install 1.17 and press Ctrl+K during playing movie - no reaction
    Logs attached


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    So in log it react it seems :) but it didn't works, on OSD you did see the change (i can seen this on my side when it's paused)


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 2, 2011
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    1. For Music it works - also during playback :D (I think "on the fly" is the correct term :unsure:)
    2. For TV it works but NOT when playback/LiveTV - Only when I stop Live TV and Start TV again --> the sound is played by the selected Audio Renderer :whistle:
    3. I don't have any OSD-Informations at all (not Tv not music) :cry:


    Portal Pro
    April 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    So in log it react it seems :) but it didn't works, on OSD you did see the change (i can seen this on my side when it's paused)
    ARC is currently my stopper to update to 1.18
    So i did some test again
    First normally working ARC in Mepo 1.16
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | - Start Changing Routine -
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | New Index: DVD = 0TV = 0 Video = 0
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | MP-Config Changed successful
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | MP Config Changed
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | Regkey will be loaded
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | Video is playing
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | Stopping graph for manipulation
    04.11.2017 21:17:53 | Info | Starting regedit /s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\Lav-passthrough.reg"
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | regkey imported
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Updating Audio Codec
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 1. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 2. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 3. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 4. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 5. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 6. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | 7. LAV Audio Decoder
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Found LAV Audio Decoder as audio codec
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Removing audio codec from graph
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Adding new audio codec to graph
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Restarting graph...
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | Audio Codec updated
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | - End of Changing Routine -
    04.11.2017 21:17:54 | Info | -------------------------------------

    Than ARC log in 1.18
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | - Start Changing Routine -
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | New Index: DVD = 0TV = 0 Video = 0
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | MP-Config Changed successful
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | MP Config Changed
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | No need to load Regkey
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | Video is playing
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | -------------------------------------
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | - End of Changing Routine -
    04.11.2017 19:37:48 | Info | -------------------------------------

    Looks like that ARC correctly handle video playing and key press
    It stops on graph manipulation
    I open sourcecodes in VS 2017 and find that ARC maybe stops on ChangeRenderer.RendererGraph procedure in ChangeRenderer.cs
    Sadly my 10 year old college knoweledge of programming is not enough to debug dshow programming in VisualStudio.
    Maybe someone of devs could help?

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