Check your StreamedMP skin settings, that has an option to switch between those.Is this a settings problem?
Sorry, don't have SMP installed atm, but i know there is plugin in the Config section that defines a few options (including the full/minor OSD pause bar, etc.)Do you know how it is called or can you make a screenshot?
Sorry, don't have SMP installed atm, but i know there is plugin in the Config section that defines a few options (including the full/minor OSD pause bar, etc.)Do you know how it is called or can you make a screenshot?
I think it's called something like 'show artist thumb on cover art'.
Not the Music section. in the Plugin section there should be 2 links to StreamedMP Config. 1 opens the Menu Editor, the other a popup with a handful of options. I recall that last 1 having the thumbs option, but... few months since i last seen that, so i might be wrong :/All I see in SMP's Music Settings is "Show album cover only in Now Playing". There are no other cover/thumb related items.
Not the Music section. in the Plugin section there should be 2 links to StreamedMP Config. 1 opens the Menu Editor, the other a popup with a handful of options. I recall that last 1 having the thumbs option, but... few months since i last seen that, so i might be wrong :/All I see in SMP's Music Settings is "Show album cover only in Now Playing". There are no other cover/thumb related items.