Just download the following file: www.venturi.de/Auto3D/UPnP.zip
Extract it and start "Device Spy.exe" with your LG TV running. If you TV is listet, select it, open the context menu on it and select "Get Device XML".
Upload the XML file to your post. Then I can check if your TV supports the UPnP remote service of LG.
At the Moment I'm not sure, wether the Intel Device Spy can see the LG UDAP-Services (including the netrcu service), because LG states that it is necessary to search for "udap:rootservice" to see them. As the Intel tools are open source I will try to provide a modified version next week.
In the meantime you could check, if it is possible to control your TVs via the LG remote app (if you have an ANDROID or iPhone).
One remark: I also changed the behavior for the MCE2005Remote. The remote keys for switching channels (ChannelUp/ChannelDown) had no autorepeat. I modified this. Now it is possible to zap fast through the channels by holding down these keys.