Automatic Refreshrate Changer (2 Viewers)


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  • December 16, 2006
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    Austria Austria
    One possible cause for audio & video sync issues is also high CPU usage, please remember that on dual core CPUs the issue can be triggered when CPU usage hits the 50%, as most of the codecs are only single threaded.

    I've seen high cpu usage on my system with the touchscreen plugin, but when I disable it even on hd content the cpu usage is about a few percent.

    So my conclusion for now is:

    Only 24Hz RR seems to have this problem (haven't seen it with 50Hz or 60Hz).
    The problem occurs with vmr and exclusive mode enabled.
    Some codecs are more affected than others (cyberlink seems to perform best).
    Using reclock solves the problem but media start is slow.
    Disabling exclusive mode solves the problem too but causes tearing and sometimes media won't start (in my case - not sure if this is common).
    Haven't tested evr because of heavy tearing.
    Outside of MP there's no problem regardless of the codecs used.


    Portal Member
    November 6, 2008
    I've lost hope

    Hi everybody!

    I have tried to use Automatic Refreshrate Changer but it has been impossible.

    I have a Windows Vista 32-bit with a NVidia GeForce 8600 (with its Nvidia Control Panel); MediaPortal RC3; PowerStrip installed;...

    I have tried to execute a command similar to this one "rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode <display#> <hres> <vres> <bpp> <freq>" from command line and my Windows says "API not supported".

    I have tried, too, to execute a pstrip command from the command line and my Windows does nothing!!! (nevertheless, any change from Powerstrip Control Panel works).

    What can I do to Automatic Refreshrate Changer works? :confused: I need some command to put in .cmd files (

    I wait you can help me.

    Thanks in advance (and sorry, my english is poor).


    Portal Pro
    November 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I have vista 32 bit and mediaportal rc3. The rundll32 is not working in vista. You need to use displaychanger in the command in mediaportal.xml. You can find it here Display Changer :: 12noon

    Check the guide at the homepage and use the guide on the first page here. I can give you an example of my mediaportal.xml if you want.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    "PATH\PATH\\dc.exe -refresh=24 -apply- quiet"

    Instead of Path you need to insert the actual location of the files.
    -refresh sets the desired refreshrate.

    Could you please give an example of what you mean here please?

    Ghehehe.. OK.
    Im responsible for this mistake .. Sorry for that!

    Situation 1. The program dc.exe is located in the folder "C:\". Command to change refreshrate to 24hz.
    "C:\\dc.exe -refresh=24 -apply -quiet"

    Situation 2. The program dc.exe is located in the folder "D:\Random Folder\12NOON\" Command to change refreshrate to 50hz.
    "D:\\Random Folder\\12NOON\\dc.exe -refresh=50 -apply -quiet"

    To explain what the entire rule in mediaportal.xml would be in situation 2:
    <entry name="tv_ext">D:\\Random Folder\\12NOON\\dc.exe -refresh=50 -apply -quiet</entry>

    >>> Please note that in the starting post I copied/pasted an error in there. The error is "-apply- quiet" which should be "-apply -quiet". (The space is in the wrong position.) I wasn't aware of the error in the code untill I tried and use it myself.

    @Gibman: Can you maybe correct the above error?

    Hi everybody!

    I have tried to use Automatic Refreshrate Changer but it has been impossible.

    I have a Windows Vista 32-bit with a NVidia GeForce 8600 (with its Nvidia Control Panel); MediaPortal RC3; PowerStrip installed;...

    I have tried to execute a command similar to this one "rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode <display#> <hres> <vres> <bpp> <freq>" from command line and my Windows says "API not supported".

    I have tried, too, to execute a pstrip command from the command line and my Windows does nothing!!! (nevertheless, any change from Powerstrip Control Panel works).

    What can I do to Automatic Refreshrate Changer works? :confused: I need some command to put in .cmd files (

    I wait you can help me.

    Thanks in advance (and sorry, my english is poor).

    Did you use the command like this:
    c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 60
    This commands sets display 1 to the resolution of 1920x1080 with 32 bit color and using 60hz.

    The complete line with the above situation in mediaportal.xml would be:
    <entry name="tv_ext">c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 60</entry>


    Portal Pro
    September 30, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Ah well that was simple enough, the 'Path' x2 part made me unsure...

    All up and running now, using v0.5 (RC3) - 14 oct. via DC with my RC3 (no SVN) setup. It works like a dream! This, together with VideoModeSwitcher has finally rid those last few annoyances I had about my setup.

    Thank you very much gibman. As usual, great work from yourself :).


    Portal Member
    November 6, 2008
    I have vista 32 bit and mediaportal rc3. The rundll32 is not working in vista. You need to use displaychanger in the command in mediaportal.xml. You can find it here Display Changer :: 12noon

    Check the guide at the homepage and use the guide on the first page here. I can give you an example of my mediaportal.xml if you want.

    Great, loardcane! It works. Thank you a lot :D. Nevertheless, I have a litte problem. When I want to play a video I have to select it (press enter) 3 times to play it. It doesn't start at first. I will continue reading this forum to see if anyone else has had the same problem. Perhaps I have to disable the "devicereset". I will tell you if I succeed in it.

    By the way, thanks a lot, gibman :D. Without you I don't know how we would be viewing o...u..r films (I wanted to simulate a judder effect XD).

    Hi everybody!

    I have tried to use Automatic Refreshrate Changer but it has been impossible.

    I have a Windows Vista 32-bit with a NVidia GeForce 8600 (with its Nvidia Control Panel); MediaPortal RC3; PowerStrip installed;...

    I have tried to execute a command similar to this one "rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode <display#> <hres> <vres> <bpp> <freq>" from command line and my Windows says "API not supported".

    I have tried, too, to execute a pstrip command from the command line and my Windows does nothing!!! (nevertheless, any change from Powerstrip Control Panel works).

    What can I do to Automatic Refreshrate Changer works? :confused: I need some command to put in .cmd files (

    I wait you can help me.

    Thanks in advance (and sorry, my english is poor).

    Did you use the command like this:
    c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 60
    This commands sets display 1 to the resolution of 1920x1080 with 32 bit color and using 60hz.

    The complete line with the above situation in mediaportal.xml would be:
    <entry name="tv_ext">c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe NvCpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 60</entry>

    Thanks, edterbak, but how lordarcane has said, this type of command is not supported in Windows Vista. With Powerstrip I has not been able to do it works (perhaps because I have a Nvidia 8600 card). With Display Changer :: 12noon, IT WORKS! I have to improve a bit the behavior of this method.


    Portal Pro
    September 30, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've found a bug.

    Using v0.5 (RC3) - 14 oct via DC to change the refresh rate, when stopping a movie (tested with HD mkv's & SD DVD's), and the re-enterring MP to play the same movie again, a pop-up asks me whether to resume from the previous position at xx:xx:xx time. Selecting 'yes' doesn't work and the movie will play from the beginning anyway.

    This error does not exist when 'Auto Change Refresh Rate' is disabled.


    Portal Member
    November 8, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    hi everybody,

    it think this plugin might be the solution to my stuttering issues, but sadly it isn't really working for me :(

    first of all:
    i've been using vista media center for some time and recently switched to mediaportal. but until now vmc was the only piece of software that could provide stutterfree playback of divx/xvid content on my tv but only when used in fullscreenmode. when vmc was started it somehow changed the refreshrate of my tv and gave me stutterfree playback. any other player and even vmc in windowmode resulted in stuttering playback (interval of about 1second).
    since i have the same problem with mediaportal now, i gave this plugin a shoot (or rather a few shoots) but without success ;(

    my system configuration:
    AMD Athlon X2 3800
    2Gb Ram
    nforce4 Ultra MoBo with realtek ac97 onboard sound (using latest drivers for chipset and sound)
    ATI Radeon X1800XT 512mb (using catalyst 8.10)
    Monitor: Samsung 226BW (at 1680x1050 - 60Hz)
    Monitor2: 32" 100hz widescreen TV connected via svhs tv-out (at 25i hz - 1024x768) - extended desktop - used for mediaplayback / mediaportal
    Vista x86 SP1 with latest updates
    mediaportal 1.0 rc3 with 0.61 of this plugin - using evr
    latest ffdshow tryouts for movie audio / videorendering (tried different versions)

    my current config:
    <entry name="autochangerefreshrate">yes</entry>
    <entry name="notify_on_refreshrate">yes</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_ext">C:\\dc.exe -monitor=\\.\DISPLAY2 -refresh=24 -force -quiet -apply</entry>
    <entry name="pal_ext">C:\\dc.exe -monitor=\\.\DISPLAY2 -refresh=25 -force -quiet -apply</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_ext">C:\\dc.exe -monitor=\\.\DISPLAY2 -refresh=30 -force -quiet -apply</entry>
    <entry name="tv_ext">C:\\dc.exe -monitor=\\.\DISPLAY2 -refresh=25 -force -quiet -apply</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_fps">23.976;24</entry>
    <entry name="pal_fps">25</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_fps">29.97;30</entry>
    <entry name="tv_fps">25</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_hz">24</entry>
    <entry name="pal_hz">50</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_hz">60</entry>
    <entry name="tv_hz">50</entry>
    <entry name="default_hz">pal_hz</entry>
    <entry name="use_default_hz">yes</entry>
    <entry name="devicereset">no</entry>
    <entry name="force_refresh_rate">no</entry>

    i played around with different cominations of devicereset and forcerefreshrate with no success.

    when i play a movie/tv series in mp it starts up fine and almost stutterfree but when i try to play another movie i get a blank screen. switching back to mp gui sometimes leads to a flickering screen or crash. if the gui doesnt start flickering or crashes my dvd covers and series banners are missing.

    without the plugin mediaportal runs flawlessly - exept for the stuttering issues

    any hint what i might be doing wrong ? i this plugin even supposed to work with tv out ?

    thanks in advance :)

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