Odd that my TV channel logos and recording icons don't show.
Hmmm...I think this is going to take a bit longer than I thought!
The way the xml is written at the moment is to only show three lines of entries in total to fit into the limited space at the bottom of the screen. I think the idea was that if you had three scheduled recordings and one active recording that the top two scheduled entries would move down one line and the top entry would be replaced by the current active recording...but this isn't happening. My setup shows any active recording replacing the first TWO lines of entries (the first line being the actual recording and the second line being the date and time of the currently recording programme as per the EPG).
LMH is limited to three entries for scheduled recordings and three entries for active if I am going to move the items to the top left of screen where there is more space to play with I think it makes sense to have the ability to show six entries in total, three for scheduled and three for active (some people have more than one TV card so can record more than one channel simultaneously). What do you think?
So far I have......View attachment 122239
I think title first line and date/Time second line is the better way.
Is the info really repeted? I had the impression taht teh bottom shows the forecast (so the general tendency) and the top the actual condition. But you are right - three day foracast should be enough to be displayed on the Homepage plus a more info for the current day (what are you thinking of here?). But - you are only going to expand the line and not the high - so you can only move the information?
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