Hi thanks for the heads up. Learn something new everyday
Incidently.. your command is back to front.. mkline /d [Link] [Target] so it should be -
Code:mklink /d "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\Skin FanArt\UserDef\movies" "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize"
Works great, thanks very much.
Hi. Yeah I just deleted the old one. Theres nothing you really need in it anyway. Obviously because you can't have two folders with the same name.
Ok. To finally get rid of the TVseries fanart you have to point it at your symlink folder. Have you changed it in the editor?
- Open MePo Config -> Plugins -> Avallonis Editor
- Select your 'Movies' menu item from the top right section
- In the centre top section drop the fanart menu down and select 'Movies (user)'
- Click 'Update'
- Click 'Save'
- Ok out of MePo config
I made that overly simple for any new folkI know change it in editor would of probably been enough for you!
Can I ask how you got the date and clock face for time and also System memory / CPU details above the weather forecast? I like it. I want!
Yeah I used some of your Avalon community modsI do like that date / time. If its a big job then no worries. Maybe Cul8er could integrate it somehow as an option!
Looks nice in black too. Good job.
Yeah I used some of your Avalon community modsI do like that date / time. If its a big job then no worries. Maybe Cul8er could integrate it somehow as an option!
Looks nice in black too. Good job.
Here are the images and the replacement common.time.xml to do the day/clock as I did. Back up your common.time.xml first the images are new so they will not replace anything.
Ya I don't like the blues any greens that much so I use grey tones.