As in topic. When trying analog scan, mediaportal is saying that card is probably not supported. I'm using mediaportal version 1.1.0RC1. Have someone such problem and can help?
2010-07-09 13:11:05.268245 [(4)]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvExceptionSWEncoderMissing: No audio compressor filter found. You must install a supported audio encoder!
a következő helyen: TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.Components.Encoder.CreateFilterInstance(IFilterGraph2 _graphBuilder, Tuner _tuner, TvAudio _tvAudio, Crossbar _crossbar, Capture _capture)
a következő helyen: TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
2010-07-09 13:11:05.278246 [(4)]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvExceptionSWEncoderMissing: No audio compressor filter found. You must install a supported audio encoder!
a következő helyen: TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.Components.Encoder.CreateFilterInstance(IFilterGraph2 _graphBuilder, Tuner _tuner, TvAudio _tvAudio, Crossbar _crossbar, Capture _capture)
a következő helyen: TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
a következő helyen: TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Tune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel)
a következő helyen: TvService.CardTuner.Tune(User& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)
2010-07-09 13:11:05.280246 [Analog TV scan thread(9)]: analog: DoTvScan error (missing software encoder)