AW: BackupSettings for Tv Server and Media Portal
hi huha, i am sorry but i can t provide you verbose-logs. i have explained why. if i activate verbose and click then export, verbose gets then deactiviatet. i don t know why and yes its strange, but it is so;(
as workaround i will use BackupSettingsMP.exe from the extractet zip-archiv. this works and it also exports the skin dir.
also verbose works with that. from this, i can also provide you verbose logs.
but not from backupsettings executet from inside setup-tv becouse the spoken problem.
if you need verbose logs from BackupSettingsMP.exe (from the zip archiv), just let me know.
hi huha, i am sorry but i can t provide you verbose-logs. i have explained why. if i activate verbose and click then export, verbose gets then deactiviatet. i don t know why and yes its strange, but it is so;(
as workaround i will use BackupSettingsMP.exe from the extractet zip-archiv. this works and it also exports the skin dir.
also verbose works with that. from this, i can also provide you verbose logs.
but not from backupsettings executet from inside setup-tv becouse the spoken problem.
if you need verbose logs from BackupSettingsMP.exe (from the zip archiv), just let me know.