The plugin is working great.
However, I've got a question about transferring to 24hz. Does this happen automatically / could it happen automatically?
At the moment, my Catalyst Control Centre settings are:
Samsung TV (which can only display 720p / 1080i - not 1080p)
Desktop aea: 1280 x 720
Colour Quality: High (32 Bit)
Refresh Rate: 50Hz
The only option under refresh rate is either 50Hz or 60Hz but I can force refresh this to 25 / 30 / 50 / 60Hz.
Presumably I need to set up another profile with the new settings on - but which settings do I chose and is there a way to allow it to automatically detect this once I insert a disc?
Also is it 24Hz when playing HD-DVD?
The plugin is working great.
However, I've got a question about transferring to 24hz. Does this happen automatically / could it happen automatically?
At the moment, my Catalyst Control Centre settings are:
Samsung TV (which can only display 720p / 1080i - not 1080p)
Desktop aea: 1280 x 720
Colour Quality: High (32 Bit)
Refresh Rate: 50Hz
The only option under refresh rate is either 50Hz or 60Hz but I can force refresh this to 25 / 30 / 50 / 60Hz.
Presumably I need to set up another profile with the new settings on - but which settings do I chose and is there a way to allow it to automatically detect this once I insert a disc?
Also is it 24Hz when playing HD-DVD?