Blu-Ray / HD DVD plugin for Arcsoft player (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 29, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
But with the plugin of this thread (latest version from MacGyver2k) it is still not working.
Still getting the "Blu-Ray Player Launcher: Invalid Refresh Rate: -1 fps".

I now see the cause of the problem. I added some loglines to the plugin and managed to rebuild it.
The result of _BD_Framerate = 25.000 fps instead of 25 fps in "string _BD_Framerate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate");"
This "25.000" is not in the cases under "switch (_BD_Framerate)" and in the end is given the result -1.
I expect this will be also the case for the other possible values.

I don't know if with HD-DVD there will be the same problem. The same switch statement is there.

I attached the changed file. I'am not very experienced with this programming stuff, so you probably have to redo this :sorry:
I don't know if "59.94" will work and if a "59.940" must be added. I alse added a logline just above the switch statement (this statement was there with HD-DVD)

@MacGyver2k: can you add this to the plugin and publish this (after possible redo) ?
(maybe better to leave also the other values like "25" in the switch statement)


    7.6 KB


Portal Pro
October 29, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Thanks, nice find. Would be a lot easier if i left the debug-information in, sorry :)
I guess adding these additional "cases" is the easiest solution.
I'm not an experienced programmer myself, but i will add your cases for HD-DVDs aswell.

If anyone else needs it, i can compile it right now, if not i will wait until 1.2.0 is released and add the necessary version information then.
Kind of busy with my diploma thesis right now.


Portal Pro
July 31, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: Re: Blu-Ray / HD DVD plugin for Arcsoft player

Thanks, nice find. Would be a lot easier if i left the debug-information in, sorry :)
I guess adding these additional "cases" is the easiest solution.
I'm not an experienced programmer myself, but i will add your cases for HD-DVDs aswell.

If anyone else needs it, i can compile it right now, if not i will wait until 1.2.0 is released and add the necessary version information then.
Kind of busy with my diploma thesis right now.

Please yes, can you compile for the latest SVN ?.


Portal Pro
October 29, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Well, i had some time left and just found the latest SVN precompiled in another thread, so i built a compatible version.
Includes the fix for 24.000/25.000/50.000 framerates.

I haven't tested the plugin (no hd/bd-drive here), i gets loaded without in the version-error in Configuration.exe/Plugins.
Since nothing else has changed i guess is should work as before, but please report back.

For installation check my old post:


Portal Member
November 29, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Well, i had some time left and just found the latest SVN precompiled in another thread, so i built a compatible version.
Includes the fix for 24.000/25.000/50.000 framerates.

I haven't tested the plugin (no hd/bd-drive here), i gets loaded without in the version-error in Configuration.exe/Plugins.
Since nothing else has changed i guess is should work as before, but please report back.

For installation check my old post:

Can this also be used with 1.1.3 or is it specific for 1.2.0 ?


Portal Pro
October 29, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
not sure, but i guess it works. just try it and report back :)
there are only 3 new lines with the necessary version information for mp1.2.0.


Portal Member
March 14, 2011
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I just installed TMT5 and am trying to work something out. With TMT3 I used to just press the back button and it closed TMT and would take me back to MediaPortal. Now with TMT5 it just stops the movie and takes me to a screen to select the drive I want to play. The only way I can find to close the window is to get out my mouse and click the close button. Anyone have any ideas.

just checked with Tshoco, and i think it is only a mce related problem (only if used with mediaportals built-in mce support).
when launching tmt5 it seems mediaportal has no more control over the mce, and tmt5 built-in mce support is used.
so the "back" button has no function anymore (because there is no "back" function in tmt5).
BUT: you can use the "home" button, whichs exits tmt5 (only the mce version) and goes back to mediaportal.

i don't know if its possible to keep mce control to mediaportal and not let tmt5 handle it so that the buttons can be used via the "key translation".
any ideas ?

Hi guys

Im having the same issues; apart from this everything else works perfectly, I just cant exit without dragging out a mouse and manualy closing TMT5.
So please excuse my dumb question here, but what do you mean by the home button? I have a standard MCE remote and I treid hitting every button on it!! Do I have to set up or map a home button? Is it the "green" windows button?


Portal Member
March 30, 2011
thanks for the plugin but i am a noob and cant get it to work correctly

tmt launches ok but the refresh rate does not change

also, as a noob, what is the other plugin by MacGyver2K??

i really want to use this for bd/hd and sd dvd discs as i failed to get sd dvd's to show up in the Movies page

:sorry: and :D


Portal Pro
October 29, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Have you configured the refresh rate detection in Configuration.exe -> Plugins -> BluRay Player Launcher?
And are you using Anydvd HD? Without Anydvd copy protected BDs/HD-DVDs disc cannot get analysed,
so there is no refresh rate change by disc analysis possible.
You can configure the plugin to change the refresh rate always to 23.976hz when started.
Just uncheck "change refresh rate to match movie refresh rate"
and check "change refresh rate to 23.976hz if disc analysis failed or refresh rate match is disabled".

also, as a noob, what is the other plugin by MacGyver2K??
There is no other plugin, only an older version which is not mp 1.2.0 beta compatible and the lacks the support of xx.000 framerates.

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