Blu-Ray / HD DVD plugin for Arcsoft player (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 30, 2011
yes i configured the refresh rate detection and no i have not used anydvd but can give it a try. but the disc that was in the drive was a sd dvd so i assumed that would work. was hoping to use it in this way as i have failed to get sd running through streamedmp
as i use reclock i want all my hd and sd files/discs to have a refresh rate of 24

why is there so many files?. beta7 was what i downloaded but have since got(but not tried beta8) also there is also the 'bluraylauncher 1.2.0)

sorry if i sound stupid


Portal Pro
October 29, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
yeah a little confusing here.
beta7 is the one from post #1, beta8 can be found here:

i used beta8 and added some changes, and the plugin is now compatible with the upcoming mediaportal 1.2.0 beta
and available some posts back.

to add more confusion the plugin name has changed from "arcsoft player plugin" to "bluray player launcher plugin"
because it supports powerdvd aswell.

if you want refresh rate detection with any of these version you NEED anydvd hd, otherwise it won't work.
with versions up to beta8 refresh rate detection only works for blu-rays, mine can handle hd-dvds aswell.

with my version you can skip framerate detection and just select to switch always to 23.976hz. works for most blu-rays.

standard dvds are not handled by this plugin, only blu-rays/hd-dvds.
standard dvds are handled by mediaportals builtin dvd player and are played inside mediaportal.


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  • June 17, 2008
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    standard dvds are not handled by this plugin, only blu-rays/hd-dvds.
    standard dvds are handled by mediaportals builtin dvd player and are played inside mediaportal.

    well, that's the thing I'm missing, because (espacialy my wife) would like to have a single function to playback all media!

    Actually I'm using an "old" version (v7 ?!?) wehre I can
    • determine the drive letter and
    • Playback DVD's.

    I did it already describe here and your answer made me confident that a new version would have these functionality... ;)

    If this could be implemented, it would increase WAF very much ... :cool:

    I use the plugin only for Playback of "real" Media (no Images!). So I need to select the device to use with (or disable the image drive) and support of DVDs.

    Any chance to get this?




    Portal Pro
    October 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Italy Italy

    I have a problem with bluray player launcher plugin (TMT5): when I play a ISO for the first time, the refresh rate changer doesn't work; the next time all is ok. It seems that the image mounting process interferes with the refresh rate changer.
    I also have another question: is it possibile to play a Blu Ray from a folder with TMT5 and this plugin? I tried with the Moving Pictures but, again, the refresh rate changer seems to be broken...

    Any suggestions?



    MP Donator
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  • January 7, 2008
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    yeah a little confusing here.
    beta7 is the one from post #1, beta8 can be found here:

    i used beta8 and added some changes, and the plugin is now compatible with the upcoming mediaportal 1.2.0 beta
    and available some posts back.

    to add more confusion the plugin name has changed from "arcsoft player plugin" to "bluray player launcher plugin"
    because it supports powerdvd aswell.

    if you want refresh rate detection with any of these version you NEED anydvd hd, otherwise it won't work.
    with versions up to beta8 refresh rate detection only works for blu-rays, mine can handle hd-dvds aswell.

    with my version you can skip framerate detection and just select to switch always to 23.976hz. works for most blu-rays.

    standard dvds are not handled by this plugin, only blu-rays/hd-dvds.
    standard dvds are handled by mediaportals builtin dvd player and are played inside mediaportal.

    I have upgraded to Mediaportal 1.2 beta, but now I cant install the blu ray launcher (beta 8) because it is not compattible with the new Installer.

    What can I do? or will there be a compattible version soon?




    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    well you are right, there is no working installer right now.
    for a working plugin you just need to put the .dll in the right folder.

    use the one from:
    extract it and put the BluRayPlayerLauncher.dll in your Plugins\Windows Folder
    (for me it is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows)

    The plugin works fine this way, you just don't get the translations or skin-files, but they are not needed.


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi MacGuyver2k,

    first of all.... thanks for your work. I did the install on my MP 1.2 beta installation as described. It works very well. The only thing wich seems not to work is the autoplay function. When I insert a blyray it does'nt autoplay. When I start the Blueray plugin from the Home screen, the blueray is played. Any idea how to fix this?

    Here an extract of the Mepolog:

    2011-05-02 06:40:01.501151 [Info.][(15)]: PowerScheduler: Keep server alive
    2011-05-02 06:40:01.564155 [Info.][(15)]: PowerScheduler: System changed from busy state to idle state
    2011-05-02 06:40:05.441376 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Detected new optical media: E
    2011-05-02 06:40:05.473378 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Check if we want to autoplay media type: VIDEO
    2011-05-02 06:40:05.475378 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Autoplay: Start playing media type 'VIDEO/BLURAY' from drive 'E:'
    2011-05-02 06:40:26.572585 [Info.][(11)]: PowerScheduler: Keep server alive
    2011-05-02 06:40:32.381917 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Detected optical media removal: E
    2011-05-02 06:40:32.382917 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Blu-Ray Player Launcher: GUI_MSG_VOLUME_REMOVED
    2011-05-02 06:40:48.562843 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Detected new optical media: E
    2011-05-02 06:40:48.580844 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Check if we want to autoplay media type: VIDEO
    2011-05-02 06:40:48.582844 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Autoplay: Start playing media type 'VIDEO/BLURAY' from drive 'E:'
    2011-05-02 06:40:51.579015 [Info.][(17)]: PowerScheduler: Keep server alive
    2011-05-02 06:41:04.325744 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Detected optical media removal: E
    2011-05-02 06:41:04.327745 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Blu-Ray Player Launcher: GUI_MSG_VOLUME_REMOVED
    2011-05-02 06:41:16.584446 [Info.][(11)]: PowerScheduler: Keep server alive
    2011-05-02 06:41:22.283772 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exit requested

    Hope this helps....




    • Bluerayplayer-settings.png
      60 KB


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    you are right, autoplay doesn't work at all :)
    with mp 1.2.0 beta the autoplay part has changed.
    thought the old way would still work, but it doesnt.

    will try to fix that and "add" dvd support till the weekend.

    fixed some bugs, if anyone needs the version desperately pm me.

    since mediaportal 1.2.0beta handles the autoplay options globally now i am going to remove
    the autoplay options from the plugin to let mediaportal handle that.
    i think that keeps the plugin simpler.


    MP Donator
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  • October 27, 2006
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    France France
    Great news:)


    Portal Pro
    October 30, 2006
    Is there any chace of integrating Roxio Cineplayer into this? It would just work like PowerDVD if I'm not mistaken. Theres no MCE interface or anything for it, and no command line options. Or can I just select PowerDVD in the config and select CinePLayer executable? I'm not sure if this runs commands specific to PowerDVD when it launches...

    At the moment I've just made 2 scripts for AnyDVD...

    1. When you insert a Blu-ray it hides MediaPortal, switches to 59.94hz and loads Roxio Cineplayer and starts playing
    2. When you press eject on the Blu-ray drive it closes Roxio Cineplayer and maximises MediaPortal

    Presumably this does the same thing except uses MediaInfo to check the frame rate of the main m2ts file? I was going to write that into my script but it seems you've beat me too it!

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