Blue Portal - Free Cellphone Remote (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 1, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark

I installed the Blue Portal.jar on my phone and get the following error message when I start the program on the phone:

No ClassDef Found Error java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError javax/microedition/io/file/FileConnection

Language on my phone is Danish. The phone is a NOKIA 6230


Portal Pro
March 26, 2007
Johannesburg/Cape Town
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Here is a very basic version you can test out. let me know how it works and i'll make it look a little better and try find my code for the auto connect that i've lost. this one may work on all those sony's that the other doesnt.

View attachment Test1.avi

when you download it just change the extension from .avi to . jar for some reason you cant upload .jar files.


Portal Pro
February 1, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
I installed it on my phone, and the error is removed.

It is very basic functionality. I only see the main catagories (MyTV, MyRadio, MyPictures, MyMusic), and I cannot move around between them.

It seems like you are on the right track. Thanks for the effort.


Portal Pro
March 26, 2007
Johannesburg/Cape Town
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Hi. it should work on any phone with java and bluetooth look pack a couple of posts and see if that version works. it will take me a while to add features to that version but it may work basically on you phone.


Portal Member
March 11, 2008

Before I start: Thank you very much for your work! That's a very usefull "Plugin" for my Media Center.
I installed everything as you said (The KeyboardInputPLugin, Program on my S60 Mobile, Java Program on my PC). When I run the program at my mobile, it works as intended and shows me my PC. I can connect to my PC without any errors and get the "Main Screen" on my mobile.
But then comes the worse part: It just doesn't do anything. I can press any Button on my mobile, but my MediaPortal does not change any state or something. Do you have any Ideas?

I've installed MediaPortal 0.2.3 stable and the most recent stable TVServer. I copied all files like your manual told me to (especially the keyboard...xml file).

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: Some notes for people having trouble installing the Software on the Phone:
1. Install it from your Computer, Copy to my phone and installing it there didn't work correctly for some reason.
2. Install it on your Phone! You will get some strage error messages when installing it on Memory Cards.


Portal Pro
March 26, 2007
Johannesburg/Cape Town
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Thanks a lot.
First of all what error do you get on your phone?
2nd Are you running the pc app. dont open media portal but run the pc app before you run the phone one. it should put an icon of a blue man on your task bar. when you place your mouse on this icon the tooltip will tell you thae status of the program. when it says waiting for connection open the phone app. now try and connect. if it works now press a key on your phone and move your mouse back over the icon on the tool tip. it should now say if it recived the button you pressed. now open media portal and check if it is responding to the commands.

let me know how this goes and it should help me figure out the problem.

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