Bluetooth HID device (playstation3 BD remote) (2 Viewers)


New Member
October 25, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
i found that MP only crashes when you push a button on the remote that is not assigned.. try assigning all remote keys to a commnd. (i used one that mp does not use -> "PRIOR")

btw. tnx for the tip on shuting down the remote, very helpfull.. to bad the remote dont have a light or bleep it see what its doing.. (still great app)

Cheetah: we really need to change the avalible commands, to make it more user friendly.. No more " PRIOR OEM_PERIOD and stuff..

if you add all commands on the remote, do you notice that the sub-screens lag quite a bit and then your commands seem to have to wait for the previous commands to be executed?

also, could you included your pref file so that way I can fill in the holes on the buttons Im not sure what I want to do with yet. ^^


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
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Netherlands Netherlands
im not sure if i know what you mean in lag in subscreen.. do you mean that when you press 2 buttons very quick after eachother, it takes some time before the commands are executed? im not sure if i have that too.

here is my file


Portal Member
September 14, 2007
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New Zealand New Zealand
Hi all, I have this working and its fantastic - I have screens in two different rooms so now I can control MP from both. The only problem I have is battery life. My MP box is switched on 24/7 which means that the remote is running all of this time also. This means that the batteries only last 5-6 days. I read on another post - - about using sniff mode to increase the battery life. Does anyone know if this is possible using this plugin? I think the user in the mentioned post was using EventGhost.


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

1st, i have the same set up. and yes, its a cool remote.

2nd, you are right about the battery life, we are aware of it but development has been put on hold for both the windows app and the mp plug in. the only way to kill it is press and hold the PS button for 6sec's otherwise the remote stays fully connected to the pc and drains the battery life (yes i know its a bitch)

i 'll ask cheetah to write an update because he/we already found a possible solution, he just have to implement it..


Excellent plugin:eek:

But I have 1 problem. The keyboard button "space" is not selectable in the plugin. It is used to pause a movie. Or did the name change?


its called Spacebar.

I know :)

But the funny thing is, it isn't present. Cannot find it @ all


1st, i have the same set up. and yes, its a cool remote.

2nd, you are right about the battery life, we are aware of it but development has been put on hold for both the windows app and the mp plug in. the only way to kill it is press and hold the PS button for 6sec's otherwise the remote stays fully connected to the pc and drains the battery life (yes i know its a bitch)

i 'll ask cheetah to write an update because he/we already found a possible solution, he just have to implement it..

Is the battery problem already solved?:D


I also noticed, that the combo of: CTRL+SHIFT+O or CTRL+SHIFT+G don't work! Any solutions?


Portal Member
March 8, 2009
Excellent application, straight forward install and button mapping. I did use the windows application instead of the MP plugin, because I could not find PageUp and PageDown in the MP plugin, which are a must when you browse trough large music libraries in MP.

I got even more excited when I learned that Logitech had released a "Harmony Adapter for Playstation 3", wich is a IR to Bluetooth adapter that fakes a PS3 BD Remote. So, I managed to pair the adapter to my computer but unfortunatly it did not work. The remote application works with the Original BD remote, and the Logitech adapter works well with the PS3, but sadly, the remote application and the Logitech adapter does not seem to work together on my computer. That was really disapointing, I had really high hopes on that adapter. Be able to use a remote with large clearly labled buttons, that actually does what it says on the label. The WAF would have been sky high!

Is it at all possible, to tweak the application so that it will accept the fake Logitech BD Remote as well?

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