Bluray Handler 0.9.7 (BETA) (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 16, 2009
Is this going to stay 'Beta' ?

I have an issue where the picture plays about a in every 50+ attempts, the sounds is fine. I have logged an entry in bug tracker;

Issues - mp-bdhandler - Project Hosting on Google Code

but no reply.

Using SAFF and 1.2 MP beta which I upgraded hoping it would resolve the issue. Why is the picture not shown every time ?




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  • January 7, 2008
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    I have given up on this one necause I could not get it to work and lack of support. Now using Tourette's BD Player launcher, that launches Totalmedia player 5 MCE plugin from within Mediaportal by adding a BD player launch button, it also adjusts frame rates and gives a choice box in case more (virtual) disks are present.. Not perfect yet, but at least it works.


    Portal Member
    November 16, 2009
    Well, just installed the latest (1.4 1280) MPC standalone filters and I THINK it may have fixed it, so issue looks to be with SAFF 5.0.


    Portal Pro
    August 10, 2006
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    I too could not get this to work with the amount of effort i was prepared to put in. I hate to be critical about all the good hard work put into this plugin, but my thoughts at the time were that it is far too dependant on third-party filters and user skill/knowledge. Having achieved a nice and stable codec set-up in Windows 7 that worked (and still does work) very well for me, i was not prepared to potentially mess it up by installing yet more filters. That said, i did follow the instructions in the 1st post - installed MPC filter etc. etc. - but i couldn't get a filter set-up that would play the BD files in Graph edit after a couple of nights of trying, and so i gave up. I would love to have BD handling within MediaPortal, but until a plugin exists that installs/configures all necessary filters for it to work i.e. does all the hard work for me - as dare i say, a M$ solution might - then i'm not interested. Surely this is the holy grail solution?? I'm sure there's a good reason why this plugin doesn't do this, but even for me as an experienced Media-Centre/PC enthusiast, i just found the setting up of the environment needed to allow this plugin to work, far too complicated and prone to failure.

    I know i'll probably get a load of backlash from this, so i'll say sorry for my comments in advance and all i'm doing is voicing my own opinion...


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
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    At least u can say u tried there! I have CoreAVC 2.0 video codec and use the MpaDecFilter for audio and once setup it works great but for only 50% of my blu rays ...because CoreAVC can only do H264 video and not VC1i therein lies a problem that i cant really fix as i dont have any other codec configs that work for me
    and we are stuck using the MpaDecFilter for audio and the Gabest Spliter which is the only one that supports seemless branchng(ie scans for the blu ray strams on a disc [what this plugin is all about!])

    i believe theres progress toards a working config somewhere in the VC1 thread that is quite involved but losing frames with VC1i no perfect solution yet


    Portal Pro
    October 30, 2006
    Agreed with POM... the documentation isn't great. Also I don't think relying on SAF is a good idea. I really think it causes more harm than good. Instructions should be more like this.

    1. Install plugin
    2. Install and register Gabest MPEG Source filter (from MPC HC standalone codecs)
    3. Add .mt2s and .bdmv to video extensions in MP config.
    4. Enable autoplay for DVD's

    Ta da! I think thats it anyway. As far as other stuff goes you should really only need ffdshow for decoding video. VC1 and H.264 work fine with Gabest MPEG Source filter. Its just VC1 interlaced stuff that won't work.


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    This is the lastest BDHandler plugin DLL working for recent MPC MPEG Splitter.


    • BDHandler_for_lastest_SVN_MPC.rar
      44.4 KB
    • MpegSplitter_1.5.1.2915.rar
      168.2 KB


    Portal Member
    August 14, 2010
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    I tried the new files but now have the same problem as GoMad, sound but no video.

    GoMad, can you elaborate what you mean by 'just installed the latest (1.4 1280) MPC standalone filters'?

    Do you use Radlight Filter Manager and register every .ax file manually?


    Portal Member
    November 16, 2009
    Hi, wel I downloaded the latest Gabtest files and manually registered each file, this I thought fixed the sound and image. However I have just tried a 3rd bluray and the handler only picks up a single movie file, when that finishes the movie does not continue to the nex file. Gabtest vid decoder plays the last movie file, MPC standard plays the first movie file, nothing ties them together.

    This is so very frustrating, and really, pretty naff. I have uninstalled saff 5.0 as these caused a weirtd pair of eyes to appear on every dvd played and re installed saf 4 drivers and then the MPC standalone drivers. The movies that work have a single mt2s file, it seems these files are not being linked together despite having the mpgeg splitter ax file registered.

    So, I assumed this handler did all the joining and reading of the index file ? Something does not join the files, other than that it would work.

    I might just use cat or something to manually binary merge all the files in to one to make it work in MP. I hope MP2.0 fixes all this, am update on MP3 would be good as development started late 2009.

    installed the new handler (113KB in size) and the mpeg splitter Sebastiii posted and they have not fixed the issue of the movie just stopping part way through as though the mt2s files are not getting linked.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2008
    Nový Jičín
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    This is so very frustrating, and really, pretty naff. I have uninstalled saff 5.0 as these caused a weirtd pair of eyes to appear on every dvd played and re installed ....

    Ha, ha, just tell me why you installet 1.4.2010 1st april "i am watching you" SAF5 build? This build was just a joke :D

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