it should work with MP 1.2. It's a OS-dependend not application-dependend script. In the improbable case that mediaportal.exe changes to mp.exe e.g. you must only change the path to the exe-file. But this has never changed in the past, so it's very probably that it won't change in the future.
I guess there's a tool in 1.2.0 that checks if plugin is compatible or not, now HDStarter is listed as incompatible and cannot be used in latest SVN version.
1. basic-home-screen
as I'm not familiar with skinning I can only suppose that you have to edit the xml-file of the basic-home-screen or post in the streamedMP-thread for help
2. mce-remote-button
I think it should be the power-off-button (circle with a little vertical bar at the top) to close powerDVD. Try it.
[german mode on]
1. basic home screen
ich kenne mich mit skinning nicht so aus, aber ich vermute, dass du die xml-Datei des basic-home-screens verändern mußt. Du solltest im streamedMP-thread um Hilfe bitten.
2. mce-remote-button
Mit der Ausschalttaste (Kreis mit einem kleinen senkrechten Strich) solltest du powerDVD schließen können. Versuche es einfach.
1.) Open the Media Portal Configuration utility and go into the plugins section
2.) Right click on the HD Starter plugin and select Configuration. Note the PluginID number (mine was 8910). This number will be used later on. You can close out of the Config util.
3.) Locate and make a copy of the arcsoftplayer.xml file located in ..\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\StreamedMP
4.) Rename the copied file to something distinct (i.e. HDStarter.xml)
5.) Open the copied and renamed file in a text editor, Notepad will work fine
6.) Locate and change the ID value in the xml to the one noted from the configuration screen of the HD Starter plugin. Save the file.
7.) Open the Streamed MP Editor and select "BLURAY" from the drop down list of Available Items
8.)In the list of options under the Items Available, you will now see the new HDStarter option (or whatever you named the xml to), select that option. Setup the Label, Name, and Folder options as desired. (i.e. Label: "WATCH YOUR"; Name: "BR HD-DVD"; Folder: "movies")
9.) Click "Add>>" to add the new option to your "Items Selected" list.
10.) Click "Generate" to create a new Basic config file.
2. I have a Harmony One and use the mce Remote configuration for it. But nothing will exit Power DVD.
So if anybody has an idea please post.
After some problems with the path and the .exe-file it's all running now...
But I do have one problem...
The mouse stays on the lower right side, so that PowerDVD 10 shows it's menues all the time...
Is there a possibility to move the mouse automatically to the middle of the screen (I use my HTPC without any keyboard or mouse), so I can use PowerDVD in FullScreen-mode?!