Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (1 Viewer)

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Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    OMG PluginManager could be multithreading at last. Nice!
    Can I make several suggestions?
    First, please, fire event after loading each plugin. It could be extremely helpful for many pugin developers.
    Second, for now PluginManager still checking to have ISetupFrom with GUIWIndow for windows plugins. Since we are moving to GUI Settings maybe it could be changed? Only problem is loosing ability to enable/disable plugin for Configuration but it could be doen through Extensions plugin so it's not a big loss.
    Third, what about adding some kind of plugin.Reload() method?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Parallel Linq, Parallel.ForEach etc. are all part of the new TPL of Net 4.0. afaik.
    We really should move MP on to 4.0 or otherwise we will not be able to exploit any of the new nice language features.

    regarding manual reset events (MRE) then it would seem like good practice to always check on:

    .. before calling dispose/close on it.

    I have some WiP regarding threaded plugin loading in Mp1, its based on TPL stuff and therefor moved to Net 4.0
    I can zip it up for u, if interested.

    All the different ways of using threads in .Net, well, they are all based on the Thread class, when it all comes down to it.

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    Development Group
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  • April 26, 2008
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    So you want to add a method that is only executed/useful for debugging to production code?
    (And even for debugging it is not good, because executing Load first time will always be different to executing it second, third,... time since the plugin has already been loaded).
    I'm sure you are just trying to test us here?


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  • December 18, 2012
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    gibt es bereits ein Lösung wegen dem nicht funktionierenden dxva ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Kann ich dir zur Zeit nicht helfen. Keine Problem hier auf der selben GPU. Müssen wir uns später mal anschauen. Erst sind noch paar andere Dinge dran.


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  • December 18, 2012
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    ob es nun wirklich am dxva liegt weiß ich nicht jedenfals habe ich hohe cpu auslastung bei aktiven live tv , evtl liegt es ja am viewmodeswitcher ? nutzt du diesen ? welchen codec schaust du ?
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  • July 8, 2006
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    I would like to give some input to the start delay issue.
    I'm using the 1.30beta and have mentioned delays when my system comes back from suspend.
    The htpc comes back from standby, MePo is back on the screen but is not reacting to input for a quite long time.
    Time and date on basic home is from going to suspend. After the time is updated MePo accepts first inputs.
    I have had a look to the log and have seen some things that are worth to have a look at from my point of view:
    • It seems that something called FileExistsCache is looking for files on network shares before the network interface is enabled after suspend.
      As it can't find find directories and files at this time the cache is cleared.
    2013-02-02 09:25:19.858134 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: FileExistsCacheThread: no more items to cache, suspending thread.: 1
    2013-02-02 09:25:20.801188 [Debug][(49)]: fileSystemWatcher_Error path \\terrahorst\video\sonstiges exception=System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Der angegebene Netzwerkname ist nicht mehr verfügbar
    2013-02-02 09:25:20.838191 [Debug][(49)]: RemoveWatcher \\terrahorst\video\sonstiges
    • Later on when the network interface is back the cache is filled again.
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.150410 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: FileExistsCacheThread: new items found waiting for caching: 1
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.154410 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: InsertFilesIntoCacheAsynch: pre-scanning dir : \\terrahorst\video\aufnahmen
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.653438 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: AddWatcher \\terrahorst\video\aufnahmen
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.658439 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: FileExistsCacheThread: new items found waiting for caching: 2
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.664439 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: InsertFilesIntoCacheAsynch: pre-scanning dir : \\terrahorst\video\kinderfilme
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.753444 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: AddWatcher \\terrahorst\video\kinderfilme
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.758444 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: InsertFilesIntoCacheAsynch: pre-scanning dir : \\terrahorst\video\sonstiges
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.843449 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: AddWatcher \\terrahorst\video\sonstiges
    2013-02-02 09:25:42.848449 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: FileExistsCacheThread: no more items to cache, suspending thread.: 2

    • I also have found a quite big delay between log-entries where nothing seems to happen. The entries are also related to FileExistsCache
    2013-02-02 09:25:21.970255 [Debug][(51)]: [WIFI_REMOTE]  Network connected, starting server
    2013-02-02 09:25:21.985256 [Info.][(51)]: [WIFI_REMOTE]  Now accepting connections.
    2013-02-02 09:25:31.173782 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: FileExistsCacheThread: new items found waiting for caching: 1
    2013-02-02 09:25:31.178782 [Debug][FileExistsCache Thread(7)]: InsertFilesIntoCacheAsynch: pre-scanning dir : \\terrahorst\photo\2012.08 comer see\clips

    • From my point of view there are things within the log which are not necessary to do when coming from suspend . For example selecting songs out of the music db. This takes 1,5 sec . But there might be a need for this ...
    2013-02-02 09:25:38.467199 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: LatestMediaHandler Translation: Cannot find translation file C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language\LatestMediaHandler\de.xml.  Failing back to English
    2013-02-02 09:25:38.475199 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct strAlbumArtist, strAlbum, dateAdded, strGenre, strPath from tracks order by iTimesPlayed desc limit 50;, Filter: tracks
    2013-02-02 09:25:40.163296 [Info.][(22)]: FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: Successfully logged in to FRITZ!Box

    I do have this delay everytime when my system comes from suspend. Is this a special behavior of my setup or "normal" behavior?
    Do you think @Scythe42 that it is worth to optimize this?


    • MediaPortal_delay.txt
      35 KB
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    Retired Team Member
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  • April 11, 2005
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    @Scythe42: Will you provide an area51 patch based on the RC here as well? I was using some other area51 before the RC, so I could test this now in a 3 PC environment (2 x AMD, 1 x Intel/NVIDIA)
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