Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (6 Viewers)

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  • June 20, 2009
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    I don't know 100% if it is in MP 1.3.0 Final but with the testbuild of @elliottmc of course.
    I am pretty sure it is fine in MP 1.3.0 Final tho.
    I might not have included all files that were added for 1.4.0. But that are no issues of my build.

    Wanted to test this on my productive system, so upgraded HTPC, but unusable in combination with my current StreamedMP skin. :(
    After 2 reboots the above error is gone.
    GPU driver issue. It reported back that no free memory is available. Something was blocking it. Maybe some upgrade was running? Win 8 with Fast Boot enabled? Then two reboots in a row will reset stuff compared to one. Also if that is the case, please upgrade your BIOS/UEFI.


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  • November 12, 2007
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    Here we go for video :)
    So after hitting (top screen) the issue appear, i hold left mouse button but you can see that the cursor stay not fixed again MP Window :)
    I will reproduce it with log too :p
    Thanks for the video!

    That is because Windows wants to continuously resize the Window to a not aspect ratio safe resolution after you bumped the mouse cursor to the top screen while dragging a window.

    Even if you continue to move the mouse cursor Windows will try over and over and over again every time you change the Window position and MP fights against it. Actually you should just see shortly the border of the window but not the content itself and only at the time you hit the border.

    Do you run any stuff like Classic Shell in Win8 and/or changed the behaviour of screen borders and corners? If so, you have the guilty party.

    Anyway, no bug. But please Mantis, that we have a visual glitch here for future reference. But as said it is not MP, it is Windows.

    Just a accessibility feature of Windows that does not really work out well in general. It is intended for touch control to resize windows by dragging them to the screen corners and resizing happens when the finger hits the end of the screen. Feels absolutely unnatural with the mouse.

    Your are welcome, nope i use default win8 setting, i have it for a while now but i didn't setup anything special :)
    Like it didn't happen on 1.3Final neither with other windows (i have try with MPC-HC too), i will mantis that :p
    Just to be sure like you can see on video, i hit top border screen but keep hold the left mouse to move MP to another position and it's here we can see in alternate MP windowed normal/big/normal/big etc. :)

    #2 : hidden mouse (seems to be related to focus but didn't find a way to catch it each time)
    Yes, there might be a glitch left here and then when focus switches. I did my best to catch them all and get them in a defined state at least. For stuff that is left I need exact steps to reproduce. Cosmetic more or less. Could not fix all stock 1.3.0 mouse issues. I took care of the most annoying ones like the stupid cursor always popping up on playback.

    As said need steps to reproduce, when mouse cursor issues are showing up always with: (a) what is seen and (b) what as expected to be seen. And with logs that only show the issue itself with a few seconds pause between actions to reproduce, so I can read the log easier.

    I can supply log, because i can't find step by step way to trigger it, it look like random, sometimes it's here by doing that + that and sometimes not :(

    For sure, if i change : if (MouseCursor != _lastMouseCursor) by if (MouseCursor == _lastMouseCursor) -> mouse is always here (never hide) that not a solution lol.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Tested with new Mediaportal.exe form your post: same error :(
    No need to do anything. I found out what is wrong by digging through some Intel documents. They are hiding pretty well what is wrong.

    The thing is: the GPU does not support Hardware Vertex Processing!

    That's why it is so damn slow and so incompatible and nearly every manufacturer added ION GPUs to their Atom based offerings or additional mobile GPU chips that kick in when D3D is used. Basically at the time when it came out is was 10 year old technology beside having some capabilities (very limited) for video hardware decoding (barely manages 720p). Only difference was that is was integrated into the chipset instead of being a dedicated chip as Intel had big hopes for a netbook market.

    I recommend buying the cheapest available dedicated GPU for your machine. Performance it will kill the integrated Intel one. Just spend the 30 EUR on it, it will be a huge upgrade for your machine performance wise. As you are using a Desktop case if I remember correctly, you might need to get a a low profile card.

    Even though the chip is quite new, Intel never really finished it. They added some stuff in the drivers to pass a Vista compatibility test. But the GPU is unusable for anything that does stuff with D3D, unless it supports a software mode.

    Starting with MP 1.4.0, MP does not support software devices or software vertex handling anymore.

    Like it didn't happen on 1.3Final neither with other windows (i have try with MPC-HC too), i will mantis that :p
    1.3.0 does not have aspect safe window resizing, it allows any resolution, if it makes sense or not.

    Just Mantis it and the visual glitch will be dealt with later. Not critical enough to be a show stopper here.


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  • June 20, 2009
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    I have a problem with the progress bar in myvideos,TVseries etc (not TV) always being a solid line regardless of which skin I use.
    View attachment 126198
    There is a commit for "OSD always showing 100%", if I manually reverse that code and recompile the progress bar works again.:confused:
    Have also tried with this threads 18a binaries in a VM with a fresh MP install and it has the same problem.
    What are your WIndows Region settings? The fix might not cover all settings. Please provide the screen shots for number formats.


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  • September 24, 2011
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    @ Scythe42 i tested everything again with your modified mediaportal.exe

    Test 1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: false
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector… : false
    • Switching from window mode to fullscreen now works on both screens!!!
    • The problem with the speed difference between mouse pointer and MP window while dragging the window seems to be gone
    • Mouse pointer doesn’t disappear on monitor 2! On monitor 1 it is working
    • Maximizing (button or doubleclick at top of the window) doesn’t work on monitor 2! MP window disappears. After clicking on the MP icon at the taskbar MP is going to tray
    • Taskbar won’t disappear after starting MP. MP has focus and work properly. After clicking at the taskbar and back on MP, the taskbar disappears like it should
      This problem only occurs if MP starts in window mode!
    Test 2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector… : false
    • Switching from window mode to fullscreen now works on both screens!!!
    • Mouse pointer doesn’t disappear on monitor 2! On monitor 1 it is working
    • Maximize button doesn’t work on monitor 2! MP window disappears. BUT After clicking on the MP icon at the taskbar MP NOT going to tray like in test 1!
    Test 3
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : false
    • Fullscreen now works on both screens!
    • Mouse pointer doesn’t disappear on monitor 2! On monitor 1 it is working
    • Maximize button doesn’t work on monitor 2! MP window disappears. BUT After clicking on the MP icon at the taskbar MP NOT going to tray like in test 1!
    Test 4.1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : true (monitor1)
    • Fullscreen splashscreen still not fullscreen. Same problems as before
    • Switching between window and fullscreen now works on both monitors like it should!
    Test 4.2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : true (monitor2)
    • The Splashscreen is fullscreen but on wrong monitor (same as before)
    • MP also starts on wrong monitor (same as before)

    If you need logs or something else just let me know! BTW great work! I installed the latest build on my productive system and Live-TV, Video Playback and other things seems to be better than ever But i have noticed a bit more CPU usage...maybe around 10%.

    BTW: sorry for the different font sizes in this post...i copied the results editor from word and there seems to be some glitches.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I can supply log, because i can't find step by step way to trigger it, it look like random, sometimes it's here by doing that + that and sometimes not :(
    There would be too much noise in the logs if you keep doing stuff until it happens. Please Mantis it for future reference until we can reproduce it.


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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    I get sometimes this error :) :

    [2013-04-14 14:07:25,853] [Error  ] [20	  ] [ERROR] - Error initializing window:WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.TVSeriesPlugin Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. mscorlib	at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.KeyCollection.Enumerator.MoveNext()
      at WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.DBOption.LogOptions()
      at WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.TVSeriesPlugin.Init()
      at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)

    It happen on start (surely loading plugins related) but not each time.


    Portal Pro
    November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Tested with new Mediaportal.exe form your post: same error :(
    No need to do anything. I found out what is wrong by digging through some Intel documents. They are hiding pretty well what is wrong.

    The thing is: the GPU does not support Hardware Vertex Processing!

    That's why it is so damn slow and so incompatible and nearly every manufacturer added ION GPUs to their Atom based offerings or additional mobile GPU chips that kick in when D3D is used. Basically at the time when it came out is was 10 year old technology beside having some capabilities (very limited) for video hardware decoding (barely manages 720p). Only difference was that is was integrated into the chipset instead of being a dedicated chip as Intel had big hopes for a netbook market.

    I recommend buying the cheapest available dedicated GPU for your machine. Performance it will kill the integrated Intel one. Just spend the 30 EUR on it, it will be a huge upgrade for your machine performance wise. As you are using a Desktop case if I remember correctly, you might need to get a a low profile card.

    Even though the chip is quite new, Intel never really finished it. They added some stuff in the drivers to pass a Vista compatibility test. But the GPU is unusable for anything that does stuff with D3D, unless it supports a software mode.

    Starting with MP 1.4.0, MP does not support software devices or software vertex handling anymore.

    Thanks for looking into it!
    I was already planing on buying a new video card :)
    I' am only sad that MP 1.4.0 can't be run on my little eeePc (net-book, so no upgrade possible), but I understand your position.
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