Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (17 Viewers)

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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Maybe Scythe knows the change from tourettes (I think it was tourettes) which causes this.
    Or another quote from Scythe summarizing it: Starting with MP 1.4.0, MP does not support software devices or software vertex handling anymore.
    Yes, code was changed by tourettes to request a so called pure device (along his font engine related changes) Pure Devices require Hardware Vertex support. Therefore I assume that this one was intentional as his changes to the font engine were all with the intentions of creating to a pure device to my undertanding:

    A pure device on D3D9 is defined as follows:
    Specifies that Direct3D not support Get calls for anything that can be stored in a state block. Also instructs Direct3D to withhold emulation services for vertex processing, which means that if the device does not support vertex processing, the application can use only post-transformed vertices.

    That singles out any GPU that does not have vertex shader support. In fact all these are ancient GPUs beside the shitty ones from about 3-4 years ago where Intel tried to pull a fast one and delivered crap and got called out on it. Out of a sudden cross-licensing with NVidia was possible....

    Anyway, not my decision, but I can add a block that actually checks what the device can do in this regards and set the flags accordingly. Might come up with some really strange combination for the bad Intel ones that might even be outside official D3D specifications (yes, the GMA3000/GMA3150 is that strange) as Intel did tons of hacks in the driver to get a Vista certification back then

    If MP at some point becomes a slide show because of allowing a device creation on such GPUs is a different thing. Right now we have not a lot of vertex processing going on. Number of vertices has nothing to do with it. There are all more or less static.

    This ends up more or less with a software D3D device that has DXVA MPEG2 capabilities.

    Regarding Docs: what ever changes as part of my builds or I am aware of I will provide prior to merging when I am not touching the code anymore. If this will be for 1.4.0 or because we want some more glitches (not necessarily caused by me) sorted out and wait is not related to that.
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    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Attached is the next one. Again thanks for helping out.

    Better :) for screen2, mp windows is not hidden and didn't go in systray :)
    Doing an ALT-ENTER on screen2 -> make MP in full screen on screen1.

    I have Screen selector checked in config and set to screen1.

    Log attached :


      11.5 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Doing an ALT-ENTER on screen2 -> make MP in full screen on screen1.
    Corrected Version attached. Did a search replace too much. Shame on me. :rolleyes:

    As I currently have only one screen available I cannot test this properly on my machine. So you guys have to do it for me. As always change is also in git, as you compile stuff yourself.

    PS: Of course I am open to be supplied with a couple of 55" LED-Zone-Backlight (not the crappy side light) displays. I can make room for them. :) :) :)
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  • August 7, 2005
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    The branch does not merge cleanly to master now.

    Conflict with mediaportal/MediaPortal.Base/language/strings_en.xml

    Do you have time to fix this?




    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Mark, you can resolve it but just insert new line for language, if i'm not wrong 30028 or something :)

    @Scythe42, it's working now but i can see a lag when switching from fullscreen to windowed (log attached) when playing video too (it's no as smooth as before lol)

    Thanks :)


      11.2 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Mark, you can resolve it but just insert new line for language, if i'm not wrong 30028 or something :)

    When I click on resolve and go to the language file, it gives me a choice of one or the other (300228 or 300229), not both. Remember, I'm hopeless with GIT.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    ah yes, you can select the 300228 and right clic and select mien before their or their before mine and the 2 others line you select it to use that line :)
    Not easy to explain lol.

    but at bottom you can see the final result, you should not have red line on it.


    MP Donator
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  • September 24, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    made tests with your new mediaportal.exe! we are getting closer i think :)

    Test 1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: false
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector… : false
    Result: everything seems to work now​
    Test 2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: true
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector… : false
    Result: everything seems to work now!​

    Test 3
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : false
    Result: everything seems to work now!​

    Test 4.1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : true (monitor1)
      • Fullscreen splashscreen still not fullscreen. Same problems as before
    Test 4.2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: True
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: True
    • Use screen selector… : true (monitor2)
      • The Splashscreen is fullscreen but on wrong monitor (same as before)
      • MP also starts on wrong monitor (same as before)
    So for my use cases only the screen selector isn't working correctly! The Mouse pointer, window maximizing and the other smaller issues seem to be gone! (y)
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    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Maybe Scythe knows the change from tourettes (I think it was tourettes) which causes this.
    Or another quote from Scythe summarizing it: Starting with MP 1.4.0, MP does not support software devices or software vertex handling anymore.
    Yes, code was changed by tourettes to request a so called pure device (along his font engine related changes) Pure Devices require Hardware Vertex support. Therefore I assume that this one was intentional as his changes to the font engine were all with the intentions of creating to a pure device to my undertanding:

    A pure device on D3D9 is defined as follows:
    Specifies that Direct3D not support Get calls for anything that can be stored in a state block. Also instructs Direct3D to withhold emulation services for vertex processing, which means that if the device does not support vertex processing, the application can use only post-transformed vertices.

    That singles out any GPU that does not have vertex shader support. In fact all these are ancient GPUs beside the shitty ones from about 3-4 years ago where Intel tried to pull a fast one and delivered crap and got called out on it. Out of a sudden cross-licensing with NVidia was possible....

    Pure device was enabled to get a really tiny performance boost. We should either fix the code to detect the GPUs that won't support hardware vertex processing or remove the Pure device + HardwareVertex change (only the flags since the DirectX debug logging will blow up again and fill the whole world with warnings if we remove the state manager :)).

    Hopefully VertexProcessingCaps will tell enough info to make the sw vs. hw vertex flag selection possible.
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