Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (3 Viewers)

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  • November 30, 2010
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    @Scythe42: Do you have enough information according my bug reports @ here and here? Or do you need me to test some more things.. Please let me know!

    And have a good weekend!



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  • September 24, 2011
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    I made some tests and can confirm the bugs @Sebastiii has reported!

    • ATI 6950 GraphicCard
    • Monitor 1 (Display Port) 1920x1200
    • Monitor 2 (HDMI) 1920x1200
    • TITAN Skin (Full HD – 1920x1080)
    Test 1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: false
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector… : false
    MP starts on last used monitor. This is caused by a setting inside ATI CCC HydraGrid Desktop Manager (preserve Application Position and Size). I don’t know if you should care about this but I just want to make sure you get as much information as possible. Maybe it will only occur if MP is used in fullscreen view.​
    • If monitor 2 was the last used one, the Splashscreen shows up on main monitor (1) and locks up until I move the mouse the first time over MP main window after it has appeared on monitor 2.​
    • If monitor 1 was the last used one the splashscreen shows up on main monitor (1) and disappears after MP main window has opened up (normal behavior as it should be).​
    • If I turn off this ATI setting, MP will start on main monitor and the splashscreen disappears as it should but in all three cases I am not able to go fullscreen on monitor 2! After dragging the MP window to monitor 2 and press ALT+Enter, MP is going fullscreen on monitor 1.​
    What I did to create log files (without ATI setting):

    Start MP -> ALT+Enter -> MP goes fullscreen on monitor 1 -> ALT+Enter -> dragging MP window to monitor 2 -> ALT+Enter -> MP goes fullscreen on monitor 1.​

    While creating these logs I has had the same strange behavior of the mouse pointer Sebastii descriped earlier. The Mouse pointer moves faster than the MP window while holding the left mouse button pressed.

    Test 2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: true
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: false
    • Use screen selector: false
    MP starts on main monitor (1) with basic splashscreen which disappears like it should. If I switch to an application at monitor 2, MP loses focus and I can work inside the application but the taskbar on monitor 1 appears. Alt+Enter works fine on Main monitor but not at monitor 2 (same as case 1)​

    Test 3
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: true
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: true
    • Use screen selector… : false
    MP starts with fullscreen splashscreen on main monitor but i am not able to go fullscreen on monitor 2​
    Test 4.1
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: true
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: true
    • Use screen selector… : true (monitor 1)
    Fullscreen Splashscreen is not Fullscreen J.​
    It only appears a very small window on monitor 1 (screenshot) BUT since I enabled the screen selector, I am now able to go fullscreen on monitor 2!!!​
    BUT this only works if the MP Window is completely attached to the upper left corner (for fullscreen @monitor 2) or to the upper right corner (for fullscreen on monitor 1)!!! If the window is not completely attached to one of these corners, the frame of the window. MP is still usable at this stage. After pressing ALT+Enter the frame appears again!​
    MP_withBorders.jpg MP_withoutBorders.jpg
    What I did to create log files (without ATI setting):
    Start MP (Fullscreen Splashscreen as small window) -> MP fullscreen monitor 1 -> ALT+Enter -> MP window on monitor 1 -> dragging MP window to monitor 2 (attached to the top left corner)-> ALT+Enter -> MP goes fullscreen on monitor 2 -> dragging window to the middle of the desktop + ALT+Enter -> window frame disappears (screenshot) -> ALT+Enter ->Windowframe appears -> dragging to the right (attach to the top right corner) + ALT+Enter -> MP fullscreen on monitor 1.​
    I think this is the same issue Sebastii reported earlier J

    Test 4.2
    • Start MediaPortal in Fullscreen: true
    • Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen: true
    • Use screen selector : true (monitor 2)
    MP starts with correct!!! Fullscreen splashscreen but on monitor 1. Same behavior with fullscreen/ window mode switching as described in case 4.1​
    I hope the logs and descriptions are OK! If you need more Information or further testing just let me know.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Here we can say it can be normal (i expect ALT + ENTER to switch between windows and fullscreen for sure and it happen but only on TOP/LEFT position)
    OK, let's take a step back. I really appreciate all the screenshots, but they do not show me what I need to know.

    Let's start with some basic information:
    - Do you use more than one screen?
    - If so how they are positioned and which resolution do they have?
    - On which one runs MP?
    - Which one is set as the primary one in Windows?
    - What skin do you use and for what resolution is it designed (e.g. 720p or 1080p)?
    - Do you start MP up in windowed mode or fullscreen mode?
    - Do you use the screen selector?
    - Full logs please.

    Was too quick before going to work :)
    I have 2 screens (1920x1080 screen1 (this one is set as primary) and 1680x1050 screen2) :)
    I use SMP skin it's 720p SKIN.
    I start MP in windowed mode :p


    • Screen1.JPG
      43.6 KB
    • Screen2.JPG
      42.9 KB
    • Screenselector.JPG
      80.4 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    I made some tests and can confirm the bugs @Sebastiii has reported!
    Great Testing and great test cases! This gave me an idea what is currently not handled correctly. In all case we have a screen left of the primary screen on which MP should rn, which means I have to deal with negative screen coordinates.

    Can you please repeat your tests TEST 1, TEST 2, TEST 3, TEST 4.1, TEST 4.2 with the attached MediaPortal.exe (just copy it over the one from the last build) and tell me how the behavior now changed for each one?


    • MediaPortal.7z
      336.9 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    I use SMP skin it's 720p SKIN.
    MP limits its D3D rendering backbuffer the the dimensions of the adapter is was started on with the supported full-screen resolution in mind. That will be valid for the whole running time of MP. Changing the backbuffer dimensions based on display switches is currently not supported unless you want the "HDMI bug" back.

    Also having multiple displays connected on multiple adapters may also not work correctly. But that is a more exotic use case these days anyway that MP users using multiple GPUs at the same time and they each control displays on their own and MP gets switched between adapters all the time.

    _presentParams.BackBufferWidth		  = GUIGraphicsContext.currentFullscreenAdapterInfo.CurrentDisplayMode.Width;
    _presentParams.BackBufferHeight		  = GUIGraphicsContext.currentFullscreenAdapterInfo.CurrentDisplayMode.Height;
    _presentParams.BackBufferFormat		  = GUIGraphicsContext.currentFullscreenAdapterInfo.CurrentDisplayMode.Format;

    Maybe just a side effect of you seeing the wrong dimensions that you have visible difference in font rendering quality compared to stock MP 1.3.0.

    Also note that the dimensions of the skin itself play a vital role with scaling. Make sure you set SMP to 1080p. If I remember correctly there is an option during installation or the basic home editor. I assume this uses larger textures and scaled X/Y/width/height inside the skin files itself.

    In fact @Designers should design their skins to 1080p anyway (read: highest supported solution). Never understood why so many are still designed for 720p. Can understand back then when designers did not have a 1080p display, but makes no sense today.

    Anyway, font rendering will change when I switch to signed distances fields anyway. So no work will be done here on increasing font quality.

    PS: Please the the above attached MediaPortal.exe as well...
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Hi :)

    [2013-04-14 08:40:56,344] [Error  ] [MPMain  ] [ERROR] - PluginManager: 'WindowPlugins, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is tagged as incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded!
    [2013-04-14 08:40:56,373] [Error  ] [14	  ] [ERROR] - PluginManager: 'Dialogs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is tagged as incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded!
    [2013-04-14 08:40:56,618] [Error  ] [8		] [ERROR] - Error initializing window:WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.TVSeriesPlugin Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. mscorlib	at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.KeyCollection.Enumerator.MoveNext()
      at WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.DBOption.LogOptions()
      at WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.TVSeriesPlugin.Init()
      at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)
    [2013-04-14 08:40:57,686] [Error  ] [MPMain  ] [ERROR] - PluginManager: ExternalPlayers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is tagged as incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded!
    [2013-04-14 08:40:57,692] [Error  ] [MPMain  ] [ERROR] - Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(Int32 newWindowId, Boolean replaceWindow, Boolean skipHistory, String loadParameter, Boolean skipAnimation, Int32 focusControlId)
    [2013-04-14 08:40:57,772] [Error  ] [MPMain  ] [ERROR] - PluginManager: 'ProcessPlugins, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is tagged as incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded!

    It seems also that '/avoidversioncheck' didn't work too, i need to remove tvplugin.dll to start mp :) did you push the change, i will able to recompil for testing :)
    Thanks :p


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Pushed changes to GIT a second ago for you... Will check /avoidversioncheck as well.

    Edit: /avoidversionchecking only works for debug binaries. My uploads are compiled as release binaries.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Pushed changes to GIT a second ago for you... Will check /avoidversioncheck as well.

    Edit: /avoidversionchecking only works for debug binaries. My uploads are compiled as release binaries.

    On 1.3Final "/avoidversionchecking" works also for release (i need to retest that but when i install build with different tvplugin, i can start MP with the switch and bin are in release mode) or maybe i'm wrong lol :)

    New commit is better m8 :)
    Alt+enter works good, i notice mouse pointer is hidden on MP windowed, but it happen randomly (i think first after the first alt enter.) and to confirm you that, right after restart MP is was hidden too, doing alt+enter restore it. but it seems not consistent lol.

    Can you reach me on irc, i will try to show you directly (about thingy on my pc) and also try to do a video :)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Pushed changes to GIT a second ago for you... Will check /avoidversioncheck as well.

    Edit: /avoidversionchecking only works for debug binaries. My uploads are compiled as release binaries.
    Should only work for non DEBUG binaries.
    #if !DEBUG
    		_avoidVersionChecking = false;
    		if (arg.ToLowerInvariant() == "/avoidversioncheck")
    		  _avoidVersionChecking = true;
    		  Log.Warn("Version check is disabled by command line switch \"/avoidVersionCheck\"");

    The TV plugin version check is not made when using DEBUG binary

    #if !DEBUG
      // Check TvPlugin version
    		  string MpExe = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
    		  string tvPlugin = Config.GetFolder(Config.Dir.Plugins) + "\\Windows\\TvPlugin.dll";
    		  if (File.Exists(tvPlugin) && !_avoidVersionChecking)
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