Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (3 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I haven't got PowerDVD but I guess I could give it a go. Can you install just the codec or do you have to load the whole software package?

    If you google HD Pack 2.2 you can install either PDVD8/9 H264 Codec without the entire package.
    If you install latest SAF beta "unlocked version" it will also help you.


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  • March 18, 2008
    Auckland, NZ
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Ok, I've tried PDVD8 & 9 codecs and they hiccup in exactly the same places as CoreAVC on the recorded file I've been testing. I've also got hold of a Dick Smith STB (which I understand is just a rebranded Zinwell.) It shows signal strength for all three transponders flickering around just on or just below 50%. Quality sits at 100% and occassionally flicks down slightly. (Both indcators are just bar graghs with no calibrations on them so this is as accurate as I can describe them) No break up on the picure as yet but I've only just got hold of the unit and not done much testing.
    Can anyone tell me if this is an adequate signal strength based on their experiences with this brand of STB? I'm guessing 50% should be plenty strong enough but it would be nice to know.


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    If you can borrow set-top-box then you can prove whether it's a signal problem. Any reason not to use cybrelink powerdvd decoder? I've never had much luck with core AVC whereas I've always had success with cyberlink. Oh I just noticed you have an 8800GTS which doesn't fully support hardware decoding of h.264. It has the older core, you need an 8400, 8500, 9400 etc This could be part of your problem.

    Hi, I'm using CoreAVC because I ran the trial edition and it seemed to work well. I haven't got PowerDVD but I guess I could give it a go. Can you install just the codec or do you have to load the whole software package?
    Where did you get the info on the 8800GTS not being fully compatible with H.264? My understanding was that it is (it's listed on the CoreAVC as a suitable card too.)

    Nvidia PureVideo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Yeah I could be wrong actually, It depends whether it's a G80 or a G92, G94. The G80 only supports the earlier version of pure video (VP1).


    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2006
    I can confirm PrimeTV is up and running this morning on both DVB-T and DVB-S. Grabbing EPG data from DVB-S :)
    This has been a long time coming.

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