Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (21 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi again Graham

    I'm about to go to bed. I've read through the thread you wanted me to read and I'm going to let that percolate while I sleep.

    Regarding the other problem (TV stopping): I've looked at the code, and the issue you're experiencing is specifically caused by the "heartbeat monitor" (not detecting any activity from the front end). The issue is exactly the same as the one mentioned here. I would not apply the registry fix as I don't think the issue has anything to do with SMB shares. Rather, I think it may be caused by the Powerscheduler plugin. Please try temporarily disabling the plugin and see if the issue goes away....

    [Edit: by the way, you mentioned all the errors in the TsWriter log ("PMT Pid wasn't found on the PAT. Channel may have moved, try a new channel scan"). This is caused by the EPG scanner trying to pick up EPG for TVNZ Sport Extra, which as we all know has been discontinued (RIP :(). I advise you to delete all your channels and do a rescan or at least delete that channel from your channel list.]


    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Regarding the other problem (TV stopping): I've looked at the code, and the issue you're experiencing is specifically caused by the "heartbeat monitor" (not detecting any activity from the front end). The issue is exactly the same as the one mentioned here. I would not apply the registry fix as I don't think the issue has anything to do with SMB shares. Rather, I think it may be caused by the Powerscheduler plugin. Please try temporarily disabling the plugin and see if the issue goes away.....]

    I have always used Powerscheduler without this issue with previous versions of MP, so that's interesting! I will give it a go. I also tried a reboot after changing the MP Config 4TR setting (tickbox) before I went to bed, so will see this morning if the Live TV stops. If so, I will do as you suggested

    [Edit: by the way, you mentioned all the errors in the TsWriter log ("PMT Pid wasn't found on the PAT. Channel may have moved, try a new channel scan"). This is caused by the EPG scanner trying to pick up EPG for TVNZ Sport Extra, which as we all know has been discontinued (RIP :(). I advise you to delete all your channels and do a rescan or at least delete that channel from your channel list.]

    Now that makes perfect sense - thanks. Will do!!

    UPDATE: I turned on the TV this morning as soon as I woke up and left it running to see if the reboot (after ticking the box in the 4TR Plugin within MP Config) would solve the issue and live TV was still running 30 minutes later along with channel changing being more responsive, so hopefully issue solved (fingers crossed) Will reconfirm whether it worked or not in this post for user future reference.

    UPDATE: Watched more live TV last night without issues, so it sounds like the reboot after making the changes in MP Config was required, however my machine did not wake from S3 sleep to record via Powerscheduler?


    Portal Pro
    June 7, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Lost all use of my plug ins, I have MPstreamed installed and running, when i choose plug ins i enter the options but nothing works and i can't get out without shutting down MP, everything else seems ok...

    Any ideas??

    Steve Chch


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    UPDATE: I turned on the TV this morning as soon as I woke up and left it running to see if the reboot (after ticking the box in the 4TR Plugin within MP Config) would solve the issue and live TV was still running 30 minutes later along with channel changing being more responsive, so hopefully issue solved (fingers crossed) Will reconfirm whether it worked or not in this post for user future reference.

    UPDATE: Watched more live TV last night without issues, so it sounds like the reboot after making the changes in MP Config was required, however my machine did not wake from S3 sleep to record via Powerscheduler?

    Good, and then not so good :confused:
    So I think we've narrowed the problem with live TV stopping to the streaming. Not quite sure how to proceed. Will get back to you...


    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    UPDATE: I turned on the TV this morning as soon as I woke up and left it running to see if the reboot (after ticking the box in the 4TR Plugin within MP Config) would solve the issue and live TV was still running 30 minutes later along with channel changing being more responsive, so hopefully issue solved (fingers crossed) Will reconfirm whether it worked or not in this post for user future reference.

    UPDATE: Watched more live TV last night without issues, so it sounds like the reboot after making the changes in MP Config was required, however my machine did not wake from S3 sleep to record via Powerscheduler?

    Good, and then not so good :confused:
    So I think we've narrowed the problem with live TV stopping to the streaming. Not quite sure how to proceed. Will get back to you...

    UPDATE1: I remember deleting the "Argus" option under "recording" within 4TR thinking that that might have been causing my issues in the first place including the "no stream" issue. Will re-instate that and see what happens. I say this as the machine is still waking and downloading the EPG every day (but not waking for recordings) so it might not be Powerscheduler.

    UPDATE2: Interesting - this is the option that is stopping Live TV and causing the streaming issue. I will now re-instate the "Argus" and untick the option in MP Config and see how that goes.

    UPDATE3: Have confirmed with 4TR developers that having more than 1 "recorder / tuner" option activated will cause conflicts and the Live TV stopping / no stream issue, however unticking the "Argus" option means the machine will not wake to record through Powerscheduler. I'm thinking perhaps use Windows Task Manager to run the things Powerscheduler does. I'm also thinking that perhaps I need the "Reinitialise tuner" tickbox activated in 4TR - will trys these options out and report back. Any comments welcome!!

    UPDATE4:Came home last night to find the machine was recording everything OK and remember rebooting in the morning, so I think that did the trick. Seems that some changes made in 4TR require a reboot to take effect.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey All.
    My names Elliot and I'm from Auckland.

    In the possible near future I'm looking at getting a nice LCD T.V to hang on my bedroom wall along with SkyTV Multiroom. Now I'm just wondering as I've seen a few topics around is it possible to run the sky box through the computer and have the T.V hooked up to the graphics card?

    Like say Sat > SkyTV box > HVR-3300 > ATi HD5770 > T.V through HDMI. Or something in that form.

    I saw this thread HERE and I want to know is it possible in NZ and with the Set top boxes we have and with a HVR-3300.
    That is question number one.

    Second question is: because I am not running a dedicated HTPC (the tv tuner is in my main computer) Will I be able to run MediaPortal full screen on the T.V and still be able to use my computer screen?

    This might not be very clear I will try further explain if you are confused.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    UPDATE: Have confirmed with 4TR developers that having more than 1 "recorder / tuner" option activated will cause conflicts and the Live TV stopping / no stream issue, however unticking the "Argus" option means the machine will not wake to record through Powerscheduler. I'm thinking perhaps use Windows Task Manager to run the things Powerscheduler does. I'm also thinking that perhaps I need the "Reinitialise tuner" tickbox activated in 4TR - will trys these options out and report back. Any comments welcome!!

    Well that is mighty awkward! Did they explain why powerscheduler doesn't work when you don't enable/install Argus (which is their TV Server)?


    MP Donator
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  • February 25, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey All.
    My names Elliot and I'm from Auckland.

    In the possible near future I'm looking at getting a nice LCD T.V to hang on my bedroom wall along with SkyTV Multiroom. Now I'm just wondering as I've seen a few topics around is it possible to run the sky box through the computer and have the T.V hooked up to the graphics card?

    Like say Sat > SkyTV box > HVR-3300 > ATi HD5770 > T.V through HDMI. Or something in that form.

    I saw this thread HERE and I want to know is it possible in NZ and with the Set top boxes we have and with a HVR-3300.
    That is question number one.

    Second question is: because I am not running a dedicated HTPC (the tv tuner is in my main computer) Will I be able to run MediaPortal full screen on the T.V and still be able to use my computer screen?

    This might not be very clear I will try further explain if you are confused.

    You are right in some of your assumptions. Yes you can connect your PC to your new TV via HDMI and use MediaPortal to watch and record TV. However Sky makes things a lot more complicated.

    The HVR-3300 will allow you to tune in FreeviewHD, but will not do what you want for Sky. The sky box does all the work in terms of the tuning etc, so what you need is some way to take the HD signal via the HDMI out of the Sky box into the PC and to then change the channel on the sky box to change channels.

    I have not done this myself, but I believe this is possible. Changing channels on the Sky box can be done with an IR blaster which basically emulates the remote control by using a small IR transmitter.

    Getting the picture from the Sky box into the PC is the tricky bit. The HDMI output uses DHCP copy protection to purposely stop people from recording an HD image via HDMI. Thankfully there is a device called the HDFury2 or HDFury3 (new model). This decodes the DHCP from the HDMI and outputs 1080i component. You can then use a Hauppauge HD PVR to import the component signal where Mediaportal can play/record the TV. The HD PVR can also take a spdif signal from the Skybox/HDFury to import 5.1 audio.

    I hope that is some help and also that the info is accurate as I haven't actually done this myself.



    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
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    I've heard of a more tidier method but more complicated to set up. This method uses your TV card to receive the sky channels and MediaPortal to play and record them as usual. It requires a card reader available at Jaycar installed in the PC, and some special software.

    It's not illegal as you still need to pay Sky for an active card.

    Here is an old discussion on Geekzone.

    If I had Sky then I would do it this way. I would not want to have more remotes lying around and have to switch TV inputs between freeview and sky all the time.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2010
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I've heard of a more tidier method but more complicated to set up. This method uses your TV card to receive the sky channels and MediaPortal to play and record them as usual. It requires a card reader available at Jaycar installed in the PC, and some special software.

    It's not illegal as you still need to pay Sky for an active card.

    Here is an old discussion on Geekzone.

    If I had Sky then I would do it this way. I would not want to have more remotes lying around and have to switch TV inputs between freeview and sky all the time.

    Thanks for that. I found that thread over at Geekzone about an hour ago. Been reading through it slowly. Looks like I might be out to buy one of those readers from Jaycar tomorrow seen as I have a 45xx card in my first decoder.

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