mm, on a different subject, I noticed while testing the tuners a little bug in MP. You should be able to duplicate this and report it or fix it if it's not already.
While viewing the TV Guide, highlight a current program and click Record > Current Program. This starts recording. Go to a different channel and current program and click Record again. No "Current Program/Until Stop" menu appears and it won't start recording. I had to use the Menu button on my remote and select Record from there.
I've reported the issue and gibman and I are working on getting it resolved. *Thank you* for mentioning it - things like that are *very* easy to miss. We appreciate help to get niggles like that knocked out.
This could be well off-topic, but then what isn't in this thread.
mm, if you have any knowledge of skins, I'm wanting to increase the font size in my current skin (StreamedMP) just for the rewind/forward seeking value. I'm use to this being a lot bigger in a previous skin. I'm guessing this is defined in mytvFullScreen.xml but I'm not sure which control it is. Do you know?
Yeah this thread really does discuss almost everything.
I'm afraid I can't help you with that query. My strengths are with TV Server stuff. I can deal with some client issues, but skins are well outside my area of knowledge. I'm sure if you ask ltfearme he'll be happy to point you in the right direction...
Parliament TV: I can't say I am an avid viewer, and anyway it's not often broadcasting, but I just noticed that I have no sound on Parliament TV. This could be construed as an advantage, but I should like to fix it. Any ideas as to where to start looking? It's the only channel affected, and it has worked in the distant past. I have 2 clients, both are affected. I am going to try recording a program to see if there is any audio in the .ts file, when played with VLC which is pretty tolerant, but there is no broadcast for several days, so if any of you have any clues about this I should be grateful.
Nah, usually the second track provides an English translation when MPs decide to speak Maori. Usually the translation track contains the rest of the mix too though. I'll check my own channels when I get home...
Update: both audio tracks work for me here on both Freeview HD (DVB-T) and Freeview Satellite (DVB-S). I use the Monogram codec for AAC and AC3Filter for MPEG.