Hi , I add screenshots to my explanation post .... pictures show it better then word's ;)
ysmp Design Group Team MediaPortal May 17, 2008 1,863 744 Seoul. Home Country South Korea March 23, 2013 #11 Hi , I add screenshots to my explanation post .... pictures show it better then word's
D3ltoroxp MP Donator Premium Supporter June 1, 2008 3,308 205 Home Country Germany June 30, 2013 Thread starter #12 So my theme works fine so far the only thing that don't work is the graphical Logo for TV Series, in MovingPictures are my new logos showen. Maybe the problem is the "TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml" ? Here are definit how are the logos stay ?
So my theme works fine so far the only thing that don't work is the graphical Logo for TV Series, in MovingPictures are my new logos showen. Maybe the problem is the "TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml" ? Here are definit how are the logos stay ?
Shangostar MP Donator Premium Supporter December 27, 2009 438 125 Somerset Home Country United Kingdom June 30, 2013 #13 yes, you need to change the location of the logo in tvseries.skinsetting.xml and then include that modified file in your theme. eg. default is skin\StreamedMP\Media\Logos\MediaInfo\Graphical\Video\SD Widescreen.png in my theme i changed to skin\StreamedMP\Themes\Round Covers blue\Media\Logos\MediaInfo\Graphical\Video\SD Widescreen.png you need to change it for all the logo's or at least all the logo's you want themed. Last edited: June 30, 2013
yes, you need to change the location of the logo in tvseries.skinsetting.xml and then include that modified file in your theme. eg. default is skin\StreamedMP\Media\Logos\MediaInfo\Graphical\Video\SD Widescreen.png in my theme i changed to skin\StreamedMP\Themes\Round Covers blue\Media\Logos\MediaInfo\Graphical\Video\SD Widescreen.png you need to change it for all the logo's or at least all the logo's you want themed.
D3ltoroxp MP Donator Premium Supporter June 1, 2008 3,308 205 Home Country Germany June 30, 2013 Thread starter #14 Thanks it works fine, but why i don't need this for moving pictures ?