Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI? (5 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi everyone

    Since there seems to be so much interest in this patch, I thought I should clarify a few things.

    1. The patch that I've been working on should enable multidecrypt for all Twinhan and Terratec tuners *as long as the CAM and subscription card also support it*. For example, Melstig has reported that multidecrypt works with the Red VIACCESSS CAM P/N 904240 Rev 1.0, but not with the Dilog Viaccess CAM (99025 on the front). That seems to be a CAM limitation that I can't do anything about.

    2. Some tuners seem to support multidecrypt slightly better. The Cinergy C HD that FreakyJ is using allows channels to be "added" to the CAM's decryption list. This might result in less of a glitch when you start or stop decrypting a channel. Melstig's H7 doesn't seem to support that. It requires you to send the whole list of channels that you want to have decrypted each time that you start/stop viewing/recording a channel.

    3. I have posted quite a lot of patches in this thread, as well as in the other thread with Melstig. To make it very clear, the patches in this thread can only be used with MP 1.2.0a. The patches in the other thread can only be used with MP 1.1.2. Also, the patches in this thread use the "add" method for multidecrypt, whereas the patches in the other thread use the "whole list" method. In my opinion, probably the best 2 of all of those patches are attached to this post. They should enable multidecrypt if the CAM supports it.

    As for the future of this patch: I'm not sure if I can do much more without an API from Terratec. I am as frustrated with them as everyone else here seems to be. We could try to "reverse engineer" their API, but at present I don't have the time for that, and it could prove very challenging. That means that it might not be possible to add CI menu support, but we could still add the multidecrypt support (with some other minor improvements that I've made).



    • TVLibrary[MP_1.1.2_whole].zip
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    • TVLibrary[MP_1.2.0a_add].zip
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  • July 25, 2010
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    AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Hey mm1352000,

    nice to hear something from you =) I wanted to contact you anyway :p
    Are these "clean" versions? Because in the version I had running there we had these function calls inside to test the terratec dll files^^
    Due to my opinion the CI Menu isn't the most important thing atm anymore, the much more interesting part is the multidecrypt thing :)
    I had to revert the Patch on my Machine, because I had some trouble with the channel Scan, I've got every time the message "No Signal"... But I'm not really sure if this was a patch problem... I had to scan 3 time more without the patch to get it working again oO And often I'm getting the Message "The channel is encrypted"... Sure the channel is encrypted, but for that I reason I have a CI Modul :D^^

    Can you provide me a .patch file? Maybe I can have a look on the stuff my self =) I'm not an expert, but maybe I can play with it a bit =)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Re: AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Hi FreakyJ

    nice to hear something from you =) I wanted to contact you anyway :p
    Yes, long time no talk. It was time to come back and decide what to do here...

    Are these "clean" versions? Because in the version I had running there we had these function calls inside to test the terratec dll files^^
    These are earlier versions that I have "cherry-picked" from the threads. I don't think they contain any debug since we weren't trying to check the function calls when I compiled these...

    Due to my opinion the CI Menu isn't the most important thing atm anymore, the much more interesting part is the multidecrypt thing :)
    Yes, you're probably right. What I was saying is that I haven't given up hope for getting CI menus working...

    I had to revert the Patch on my Machine, because I had some trouble with the channel Scan, I've got every time the message "No Signal"... But I'm not really sure if this was a patch problem... I had to scan 3 time more without the patch to get it working again oO And often I'm getting the Message "The channel is encrypted"... Sure the channel is encrypted, but for that I reason I have a CI Modul :D^^
    If you can reproduce then please post some clean logs. I've encountered another issue with Terratec tuners which may be the cause of what you're experiencing. I'd need to see logs to confirm it is that though.

    Can you provide me a .patch file? Maybe I can have a look on the stuff my self =) I'm not an expert, but maybe I can play with it a bit =)

    I can try, but I'll have to do it from scratch to make the changes obvious since I refactored *a lot* of the code. Keep your eye on this thread over the next week. ;)


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  • July 25, 2010
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    AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?


    If you can reproduce then please post some clean logs. I've encountered another issue with Terratec tuners which may be the cause of what you're experiencing. I'd need to see logs to confirm it is that though.

    Sorry, I have no logs atm, maybe I can try to reproduce at the weekend =) Is there a way to backup the current channels? Are they in the db?! I couldn't find them anywhere else oO Because I don't want to spend hours again to get my channels work oO... I think it was more luck that everything works fine now again :D
    Concerning the other issue: I'm really often get the message: "Unknown error", "Channel is encrypted", "Couldn't start Graph".... very annoying :( So I think these issues are related, and I use the option "pause graph" by the way =) With the option "stop graph" its just completely worse :D
    And there is another strange thing... I have two Terratec Cards in the Tv Server... but one is as "unknown" (see screenshot)

    Yes, you're probably right. What I was saying is that I haven't given up hope for getting CI menus working...

    Nice answer :p

    I can try, but I'll have to do it from scratch to make the changes obvious since I refactored *a lot* of the code. Keep your eye on this thread over the next week.
    I will so no hurry =)

    Have a nice week =)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Re: AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Concerning the other issue: I'm really often get the message: "Unknown error", "Channel is encrypted", "Couldn't start Graph".... very annoying :( So I think these issues are related, and I use the option "pause graph" by the way =) With the option "stop graph" its just completely worse :D
    Just to be clear, this "other issue" is the issue that I want the logs for.

    And there is another strange thing... I have two Terratec Cards in the Tv Server... but one is as "unknown" (see screenshot)
    Are both available in other applications? Usually when a card appears as unknown it means that it is not available to the operating system. Can you go to device manager and refresh the list of devices (I think it is "scan for hardware changes" or something like that...), restart TV Server, and then see if the unknown one is still listed...


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  • July 25, 2010
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    AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Just to be clear, this "other issue" is the issue that I want the logs for.
    Ahh okay, now I understand :D The Problem isn't all the time.. but if it appears again, I will provide you logs ;)
    But isn't there a fix in 1.2.0 Beta? I saw something in Mantis :p ( 0003469: Re-tuning to a transponder that is already tuned fails with Terratec cards/drivers - MediaPortal Bugtracker )

    I think there is a connection between these errors I mentioned and the same transponder, so far I can remember, just by the way^^

    Concerning the other point: I will test it tomorrow =)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Re: AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Just to be clear, this "other issue" is the issue that I want the logs for.
    Ahh okay, now I understand :D The Problem isn't all the time.. but if it appears again, I will provide you logs ;)
    But isn't there a fix in 1.2.0 Beta? I saw something in Mantis :p ( 0003469: Re-tuning to a transponder that is already tuned fails with Terratec cards/drivers - MediaPortal Bugtracker )

    I think there is a connection between these errors I mentioned and the same transponder, so far I can remember, just by the way^^

    Concerning the other point: I will test it tomorrow =)

    I raised the Terratec issue with the team, but I didn't think it would be resolved for 1.2.0b. Logs would still be good... :)


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  • July 25, 2010
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    AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?


    the error "couldn't start graph" just happen, logs attached :p @18:43 =) Hopefully this will help ;)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi FreakyJ

    What I see happen:

    1. You attempt to view Discovery Channel.
    2. TV Server times out waiting for PMT:

    WaitForPMT: Timed out waiting for PMT after 10,0025721 seconds. Increase the PMT timeout value?

    3. EPG Scanner trys to scan for EPG for Silverline Movie Channel.
    4. While the EPG Scanner is still tuning, you try to view Discovery again.
    5. The EPG Scanner fails to get EPG for Silverline Movie Channel and you fail to view Discovery. Both failures are PMT failures, probably caused by the tuning requests getting mixed up.
    6. EPG Scanner trys to scan for EPG for Silverline Movie Channel again.
    7. While TV Server is waiting for PMT to arrive for Silverline, you try to view Discovery again.
    8. You successfully start watching Discovery.
    9. TV Server times out waiting for Silverline PMT.

    I suspect the cause of the issue is mostly the EPG Scanner and you trying to use the tuner at the same time. This can happen when you enable the idle EPG Scanner, which is why I don't use it at all. Gibman is working on something that would fix this, but it will be at least 1.3.x before that fix gets committed.


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  • July 25, 2010
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    AW: Can someone help to create a CI Menu for the Terratec Cinergy C HD + CI?

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation =)
    If there is something to test, let me know :p

    Currently I'm running MP without your patch and I really have to reactivate it, after month of using your patch I feel now, how big this improvement was... You really have to provide me a patch for the next MP version or better: this patch must find it way into SVN :p

    At this point: thanks again for your work =)

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