The device worked fine if the pc comes from normal sleep mode.
It also worked if the PC was not up and running when the recording starts.
sleep->resume = ok
sleep->away->sleep->resume = ok
running->send to sleep with tv-power off->resume = ok
running->recording starts->try to send to sleep with tv-power off (this leads to away mode)->sleep->resume = nok
It seems to me that the transition from running to away makes the problem perhaps together with the TV-power off.
In normal cases without an active recording TV-power off sends the PC to sleep and it resumes without any problem.
Hi there,
Your linked went to a page of posts - I couldn't find a fix to my issue on it
Hi there,
I think my scenario is the same/similar (but will need to confirm)....
running->recording starts->try to send to sleep with power off (this leads to away mode)->sleep->resume
My logs are attached above (I have two posts with logs attached)
Are there any clues in my log file as to why the input switching part on my AVR doesn't work when the TV is already running?