Cine S2 with CI does not work (5 Viewers)


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  • August 29, 2007
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    For me I have a different experience. It does not work to descrambled 2 channels at a time with Astoncrypt CAM and Canalsat card. In FloppyDTV, 2 channel descrambling works well (but on same transponder). So it seems that for some reason my CAM does not support to decrypt 2 transponders.
    So my conclusion is that your mileage may vary from other experience.

    The only thing I see would then to try another Aston CAM but I am a bit reluctant to order a new one. Could a Dual Pro Aston CAM work better? I do not know as nobody from Aston replied to my questions.

    Edit: actually one thing that could come to my mind atm is that I do not have the recording optionwith Canalsat card. So it may be blocked by the TV provider to record with dual tuner setup. Is it possible?


    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
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    Spain Spain
    Hi Lulsam,

    It works for me without any problems at the moment. I can view, record, schedule recordings etc with two clients at the same time with two scrambled channels. With the Cine S2 and CI and AstonCam and canaldigitaal card.

    The only thing with I have some problems with is the update with is send by the provider, in my case canaldigitaal, is not been applied. So I have to remove the card, reactivate the card and put it in a "regular" satreceiver. after it has received the update it works fine again.

    Romijn: It seems like for any reason the EMM keys are not processed, this use to drive a required update inside regular sat receiver.

    DjeC64: This worries me much more. If I remember correctly you were using a different hw version of the CAM, but based on your description, I am a bit confussed, which CAM are you using exactly? Aston Seca Dual Professional Cam? Aston Seca Cam REV 2.26? The later does not specify explicitly to be able to decrytp two channels at the same time while the Dual Professional Camstates that it does.

    Best rgds.



    Portal Member
    November 3, 2011
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    Netherlands Netherlands

    Just for the record, my module information,

    I'm not familiar with wiht EMM Keys, can you explain what to do to resolve this problem?



    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
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    Spain Spain
    The EMM (entitlement management message) keys are the ones that manage what you can see from your DVB provider (your subscription = which channels and until when). This article provides a very good understanding about them ( Periodically the provider sent a specific set of EMMs that updates your subscription card. This work is done by the STB. While it's clear that for any reason the combination hw-sw you have is not able to do it, I have no idea about which specific piece should be responsible to do it (CAM hw, CAM driver or MePo) nor how to solve it, but I am sure there are people here that have this knowledge as they have programmed the CAM support in MePo. Another different point is if they are able to solve it or not.

    Regarding the CAM you have, from the screenshoot you posted I am unable to check if it is the SECA DUAL PRO or the SECAM but it should be the dual pro if it is able to decrypt two channels simultaneously. What I was wondering was if DejC64 has teh Aston dual pro or the regular one). By the way, when I was looking for a solution about a similar set up than yours I checked this page (, it is in spanish but shows pictures about the CAMs and the prices (notice that the dual pro costs aprox two times the regualr one), it also mention the multi professional that if I remember correctly is able to decrypt 16 channels byt its price is prohibitive!!

    I did not check but Aston should have a web page in english with all the models and their characteristics .



    MP Donator
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  • August 29, 2007
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    Belgium Belgium

    I have got the regular Astoncrypt dual . According Aston documentation it is supposed to decode 2 channels for dual tuners setup. There is indeed 2 Pro version based on improved hardware vs. Regular CAM. the best Pro version can indeed decrypt up to 24 pid (about 12-16 channels)transponder at once. The lower priced Pro version has the same hardware than the full Pro but it is limited to decrypt only 2 channels. Just like the spec for the regular. So where is the problem:

    The problem may be in the max numbers of pid being decrypted at same times. The hypothesis from Digital Device is that the regular one cannot cope with the numbers of pid necessary for 2 channels on Astra. I really have some doubt about it as i am not able to find any 2 channels combinations incl those with fewer pid that will be decrypted simultaneously.
    Dd had to contact Aston about it but excepted a "working on it" , i do not have news from them (they even close my ticket).

    I will suscribe to the options of recording from my tv provider to see if it unlocks the dual decrypting from the smartcard itself. I will keep you posted.
    The other alternative if that does not help would be to try the low priced Pro version but dor 160€ i need to be confident it Will work.

    Btw: my cam version is same as Romijn with hardware version 1.000


    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
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    Spain Spain
    All right, understood. I thought that the regular Astoncrypt was not able to decrypt two channel simultanously. I think there are still open questions that prevents me from the investment (Cine S2 + Astoncrypt):
    1.- How is it possible that Rojmin is able to decrypt two channels and you are not? Same CAM, same satellite (I guess both of yo are pointing to Astra 19.2), probably you are not using the same provider but I really don't understand why a high or low PID may influence in any way on decryption (obviously may be because of my lack of knowledge). The only clear difference is the hw version.
    2.- If you did not mentioned anything about the need to unplug the subscription card form the CAM and plug into the SAT receiver from time to time I assume that you don't need to do it. That confuses me even more, because the subscription updates should be managed by the CAM. There should be a difference in the config or in somethng else. Are you using the same MePo version, drivers version, etc?

    By the way, there was a MePo developer that was helping with the Cine S2 support + CAMs support? Do you know if he is still on business?



    MP Donator
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  • August 29, 2007
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    So far the card is in my FloppyDTV S2 most of the time. With it the update of the smartcard works perfectly and i never use the official device.

    Noone found a solution for me. I would like to test another hardware version but i don't want to waste my money in ordering one just to see. Anyone is not using his Astoncrypt is welcome to send it to me for testing. Help!

    DD contacted me today and they intend to send me an Unicam for testing with Cine S2 which should handle mediaguard. If they do i will report here the outcome of the test.

    Let's wait.


    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
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    Spain Spain
    Great, I thought that the Aston CAM was the only one with SECA supported. Waiting for your news


    Portal Member
    November 3, 2011
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    Regarding the CAM you have, from the screenshoot you posted I am unable to check if it is the SECA DUAL PRO or the SECAM but it should be the dual pro if it is able to decrypt two channels simultaneously. What I was wondering was if DejC64 has teh Aston dual pro or the regular one). By the way, when I was looking for a solution about a similar set up than yours I checked this page (, it is in spanish but shows pictures about the CAMs and the prices (notice that the dual pro costs aprox two times the regualr one), it also mention the multi professional that if I remember correctly is able to decrypt 16 channels byt its price is prohibitive!!


    Hi lulsam,

    Sorry for my late reaction and thanks for you input. When I have some time I will look into the EMM.

    As DjeC64 already discribet I have the regular Aston Cam only hardware version 1.01.


    Portal Pro
    December 28, 2006
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    any news / updates on this topic?? I am still interested on this kind of setup.

    Thnx in advance

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