MP2 - V2.4.1 Cinema (1 Viewer)


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October 2, 2015
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I'm having the same issue as the other fellow. Installed Cinema from the .exe on the plugins page yesterday. Chose 2 cities under the plugins screen (made sure the checkboxes are checked too) and when I click Cinema on the home screen, nothing happens. I have restarted the PC and MP2. I clicked on Cinema a few times in case I was missing it or something and I also let it sit over night after the click in case it was just taking a while to load for the first time. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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  • February 7, 2013
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    Unfortunately I'm in the hospital and do not have a PC.
    As soon as I'm back home, I'll look at that.


    Portal Member
    October 13, 2015
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    When you get out of the hospital perhaps you can offer a suggestion. I have run the EXE as admin on two different PCs (Win10 and Win7). Both gave the 'Cinema Installed' message. Neither one shows Cinema as an installed plug in.[DOUBLEPOST=1444838765][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, found the issue. I think the installer expects a default installation location and I changed the default. once i moved the folder to where the installation actually was, it showed up.


    Portal Member
    October 13, 2015
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    I thought i would reinstall to make sure everything was in one place. I changed the installer for MP2 to install everything on my E: drive. If i run the cinema_1_1.exe it wants to install the plugin on C: so it creates directories there ( C:\progarm files(x86)\team mediaportal\mp-2 client\cinema.) That doesn't work because the client is really on E:.
    copying that directory to e:\progarm files(x86)\team mediaportal\mp-2 client\cinema does solve the problem.
    I don't know how hard it would be to ask about install directory for the plugin to cover this. When you get back on your feet that would be one thing that would help. Also a note somewhere that this must be run as Admin to install. Not running as admin only results in a 'Cinema not installed' error but no reason and there doesn't seem to be a way to capture the output of the install to see if a permission error is thrown.

    It is installed and shows up and I can configure theaters, however when i tried to get information, clicking on the Cinema button got no results similar to nolos (10-1 post)


    Portal Member
    October 13, 2015
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    More info:
    Error log shows this:

    2015-10-14 15:56:52,063] [41935 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Pushing workflow state 'Home' (id='5074508b-f6ee-4150-8fcd-7d8bd0a183f8') onto the navigation stack...
    [2015-10-14 15:56:52,065] [41937 ] [InputMgr ] [ERROR] - WorkflowManager: Error entering model context of workflow model '78e0d999-d87a-4340-b8d1-9cf97814d2fd' for workflow state '5074508b-f6ee-4150-8fcd-7d8bd0a183f8'
    System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
    at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
    at System.Convert.ToDateTime(String value)
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.CkeckUpdate(Boolean dialog)
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.Init()
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.EnterModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.DoPushNavigationContext(WorkflowState state, NavigationContextConfig config)
    [2015-10-14 15:56:52,296] [42168 ] [InputMgr ] [ERROR] - WorkflowManager.NavigatePushInternal: Error in workflow model or screen
    System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.DoPushNavigationContext(WorkflowState state, NavigationContextConfig config)
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.NavigatePushInternal(Guid stateId, NavigationContextConfig config)

    seems to be unhappy with plugin.xml. i tried putting the Cinema.Settings.CinemaSettings.xml file from a previous post in place. no change.


    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    If i run the cinema_1_1.exe it wants to install the plugin on C: so it creates directories there ( C:\progarm files(x86)\team mediaportal\mp-2 client\cinema.) That doesn't work because the client is really on E:.
    @Lehmden Is it possible to check the installation drive for MP2 during plugin installation routine? It seems, that it's by default "C".


    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    It is installed and shows up and I can configure theaters, however when i tried to get information, clicking on the Cinema button got no results similar to nolos (10-1 post)
    Just tried it on my PC and installed the Cinema plugin (haven't used it in my test branch lately). I selected a city and 2 cinemas.
    Then I went to "news" and started the Cinema app. Immediately the new data were fetched and I could see the movie details. Means, working like a charme here ...

    Perhaps try another city once. It might be also, that the select cinemas do not provide data at the moment ...


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Is it possible to check the installation drive for MP2 during plugin installation routine?
    But there also is no "easy" way to change MP2 installation path so this only is needed by experts who knows what they are doing... And those experts should be able to install the plugin manually too... If you don't want to use the installer you can install the "old" plugin and replace the plugin.xml with the new one from here... That's the only difference between the old and the new version. The .exe only is for average users with default installation path who don't want to fiddle around with the setup.


    Portal Member
    October 13, 2015
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    United States of America United States of America
    the installation issue is no biggie. just some observations on what happens when the main program has installation options and addons don't have the same options (i.e. install directory/drive).
    i just tried again with a different city and adding a bunch of theaters instead of just the ones i wanted and got the same results. Clicked on the Cinema button, get a quick blink and then nothing. log shows same errors. Could that be due to not being installed on C? C drive space can be at a premium on some systems so the option to put MP2 elsewhere is great and will be used. Just need a way to fix a plugin if it is looking for the default location.

    [2015-10-14 17:27:54,165] [522802 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Pushing workflow state 'Home' (id='5074508b-f6ee-4150-8fcd-7d8bd0a183f8') onto the navigation stack...
    [2015-10-14 17:27:54,174] [522811 ] [InputMgr ] [ERROR] - WorkflowManager: Error entering model context of workflow model '78e0d999-d87a-4340-b8d1-9cf97814d2fd' for workflow state '5074508b-f6ee-4150-8fcd-7d8bd0a183f8'
    System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
    at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
    at System.Convert.ToDateTime(String value)
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.CkeckUpdate(Boolean dialog)
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.Init()
    at Cinema.Models.CinemaHome.EnterModelContext(NavigationContext oldContext, NavigationContext newContext)
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.DoPushNavigationContext(WorkflowState state, NavigationContextConfig config)
    [2015-10-14 17:27:54,654] [523291 ] [InputMgr ] [ERROR] - WorkflowManager.NavigatePushInternal: Error in workflow model or screen
    System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.DoPushNavigationContext(WorkflowState state, NavigationContextConfig config)
    at MediaPortal.UI.Services.Workflow.WorkflowManager.NavigatePushInternal(Guid stateId, NavigationContextConfig config)
    [2015-10-14 17:27:54,828] [523465 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Trying to remove 1 workflow states from navigation stack...
    [2015-10-14 17:27:54,830] [523467 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Trying to show screen 'home'...
    [2015-10-14 17:27:55,049] [523686 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Screen 'home' successfully shown
    [2015-10-14 17:27:56,675] [525312 ] [InputMgr ] [INFO ] - WorkflowManager: Pushing workflow state 'Home' (id='5074508b-f6ee-4150-8fcd-7d8bd0a183f8') onto the navigation stack...
    5:29 PM 10/14/2015

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