J'utilise l'ADS Tech Instant TV PCI avec Media Portal 0.1.2 mais contrairement à ce qui est dit plus haut, je n'arrive pas à faire du timeshifting. Pour la tv, les entrées composites & svideo, l'enregistrement ca marche mais point de timeshift.
Quand j'enregistre, j'ai un écran noir et le son. La vidéo revient uniquement quand j'arrête l'enregistrement. J'ai cru comprendre que c'etait le lot des cartes à encodage software.
Est-il possible de régler ce problème, si oui comment ? En mettant une autre version de drivers ? En changeant le mode de rendu (overlay ? actuellement je suis en VMR9).
quand j'ai dit que tous marché, c'est le cas avec les autres loçiels ,mais pour ce qui est de MP je croyé que sa venais de moi car je l'avais mal configuré.......
Quand j'ai acheté cette carte TV j'ai même pas essayé le logiciel filé avec, ni même K!TV ou autre.
En fait j'ai vraiment l'impression qu'actuellement dans MP, il n'est pas possible de faire du timeshift tout court avec une carte à encodage soft, alors que c'est le cas avec K!TV + zoomout ou alors les logiciels d'origine des cartes TV.
Perso ca ne me gêne pas car je n'enregistre rien, mais pour la beauté du geste et histoire de dire que mon pchc le fait, ca aurait été sympa !
Well, the log doesn't show any problems. I can see correctly tuned channels in the log. It seems to me that the tuner works fine.
Can you copy the created ts file(located in your timeshift folder) somewhere else while in channel preview and try to play it in VLC or MPC-HC?
PS: You can also try to make short record
Well, the log doesn't show any problems. I can see correctly tuned channels in the log. It seems to me that the tuner works fine...
I've been successfully using MediaPortal1 and TV Server 1.17 on Win7 for years, using first a HDHomerun tuner, when that died, a...
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Hello everyone,
I'm going to need help from the community to resolve a TV server crash issue.
I encountered a problem with my...
Your tuner looks like this one:
which from the specifications is an analogue tuner. It looks as though the tuner is sold with a CD that presumably includes the drivers and possibly other software. Did you not receive this CD when you obtained the...
Your tuner looks like this one:
which from...
Bonjour à tous , je suis nouveau dans le portail média.
Alors, je possède un tuner TV USB mais je n'arrive pas à trouver un pilote...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I did it this way so I didn't have to edit the channel names every time tested a new TV-server install. Anyway, it works. I don't know if this would get you past the BDA driver issue. I'll provide more...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I...
I am brand new to MediaPortal.
I have installed MP 2.4.1 on Windows 10. It is a fresh install and fully up to date.
I have an...
If your tuners work with WMC, in most cases they should work with MP. However, tuners cannot simultaneously work with two different media center applications. So if WMC is accessing the tuners, MP won't be able to access them.
To be sure that WMC is not interfering, you should use the Windows "Services" panel and disable all of the...
If your tuners work with WMC, in most cases they should work with MP. However, tuners cannot simultaneously work with two different...
Ok, so I'm a WMC7 user but I thought I should try MP2 since I'm sure my WMC7 is going to fade off to the distance soon. I've...