"Connection to tv-server lost" message is back again.. (1 Viewer)


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi guys,

    I'm very sory to say that this horibble message, including a no working tv-server problem is back again..

    After switching back from Argus to TV-server (MP) everything was working fine for some weeks, but since a couple of weeks the problem is back and I have no idea what to do.. Tried different settings, but without effect.

    It happend when Mediaportal is in idle, or when I'm doing something else than watching tv for some time, like watching a movie or something like that..

    A restart of Mediaportal (that will trigger a restart of the tv-server) is enough, and eveything is working fine again.. (but for how long is everytime different)

    The problem happend a few minuties ago for the last time, so the logs from the tv-server are included in the zip.. It happend around 14:09/14:10.

    Can somebody give me a hint please? This is really the only problem I have with TV-server for a long time now.. Solving this problem would be awesome..

    One other thing: It happend sometimes that I have no internet connection, and than tv-server also doesn't work.. Is a working internet/network connection required also on a singleseat setup I'm using? :s

    I will buy the guy with the golden tip a huge beer!!

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    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Can someone help me please?

    Why is the tv-server loosing it's connection? I really like to hear a fix!


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  • April 5, 2005
    Imho this should be a client, not a server error. So server logs arent that helpful. What did you try to resolve already? IP in TV-Client instead of name? UNC-Paths? Is this singleseat or clientsystem?


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thanks for the answers guys.. About the logs: it is not happening every 5 minutes (thanks god) so I just uploaded all tv server logs after it happend.. But I will run a normall debug log till it happend again and upload the logs.. :)

    @The_Stig: I will try your suggestion about the IP adress! It's now set as "HTPC" (the name of the client) I'm not shure if it is 100% a client problem.. When I'm getting this error and I restart Mediaportal it's showing "Restart TV-server" so maybe the tv-server is going offline, and because of that, the client is loosing it's connection.. Do you know what I mean?

    I'm just running an singleseat setup..

    What I have tried allready:

    -Tried the lookback adapter solution like discribed somewhere here on the forum. (but that can only solve problems with wifi connections IFRC)
    -Tried serveral settings with EPG
    -Tried to decrase/increase the service priority

    I have no clue what the problem can be.. But I hope anyone can find the problem/solution in the full log files will provide soon..

    Any suggestion is welcome!



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  • October 28, 2008
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    Basically, TV-server must have a 'connected' network adaptor with valid IP address at all times - if the network connection drops out it is likely to cause problems.

    If it's a single-seat system, the MS loopback adaptor is probably the easiest way of getting an 'always on' network adaptor for TV-server. Otherwise set up the normal network adaptor to use a fixed IP address (instead of DHCP) to improve the reliability.



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  • November 30, 2010
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    Or you could switch back to Argus :D I know you really like the TV streaming and guide coloring, but hey.. can't discuss stablity. I personally think it's your DVB-C tuner which just isn't that compatible with TVSERver

    Yeah I could switch back, but I really like to use MP TV-server because of serveral reasons.. It's working fine, and I realy think it's a silly problem that should be fixed easely.. It's just that connection problem..

    Basically, TV-server must have a 'connected' network adaptor with valid IP address at all times - if the network connection drops out it is likely to cause problems.

    If it's a single-seat system, the MS loopback adaptor is probably the easiest way of getting an 'always on' network adaptor for TV-server. Otherwise set up the normal network adaptor to use a fixed IP address (instead of DHCP) to improve the reliability.


    Thanks.. Problem is that I never have problems with my htpc connecting to the network.. That's all fine, so I don't understand the massege.. :( I have a good router and the connection is wired, and just 2 meters.. So I don't know why the client is loosing hisconnection to the tv-server.. I think that the tv-server is going off-line sometimes, but the question is why.. It's just a metter of restrting the service, and all is fine.. Isn't that strange?


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  • April 21, 2008
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    Or you could switch back to Argus :D I know you really like the TV streaming and guide coloring, but hey.. can't discuss stablity. I personally think it's your DVB-C tuner which just isn't that compatible with TVSERver

    Yeah I could switch back, but I really like to use MP TV-server because of serveral reasons.. It's working fine, and I realy think it's a silly problem that should be fixed easely.. It's just that connection problem..

    Basically, TV-server must have a 'connected' network adaptor with valid IP address at all times - if the network connection drops out it is likely to cause problems.

    If it's a single-seat system, the MS loopback adaptor is probably the easiest way of getting an 'always on' network adaptor for TV-server. Otherwise set up the normal network adaptor to use a fixed IP address (instead of DHCP) to improve the reliability.


    Thanks.. Problem is that I never have problems with my htpc connecting to the network.. That's all fine, so I don't understand the massege.. :( I have a good router and the connection is wired, and just 2 meters.. So I don't know why the client is loosing hisconnection to the tv-server.. I think that the tv-server is going off-line sometimes, but the question is why.. It's just a metter of restrting the service, and all is fine.. Isn't that strange?
    have you tried setting a fixed IP or the MS loopback adapter. That's the only guarantee windows gives on a stabile connection. I've set my own IP to fixed aswell, just because it sometimes took long for getting a dhcp address. Don't know why, because i've got pretty decent hardware at home. but if tvserver is so sensitive for a good con, you could just try it and see what happens.


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  • November 30, 2010
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    @mhoogenbosch: I'm using a fixed IP adress allready as I'm using ampdroid by example, the htpc need to have always the same IP adress.. in my case.. With the internet connection is never a problem, so I don't understand why the connection is loosing.. I will try the loopback adapter again to see what it does..

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