Go into SetupTV and select the 'General' pane. Then select the scan tab and you should see something like the screenshot linked below
Thanks. I had just turned the HTPC on and noticed that the names had been corrupted. I have corrected them. I then saw your message and you are correct, the linkage box was ticked. I have unchecked it. I have made sure that in the short time between correcting the names and unchecking the box, the names hadn't been re-corupted.
Is that it now? If so, thanks for all your efforts. I will leave as is for tonight.
Yes, don't change anything now, and please report back whether or not the channel names have been corrupted. It only took a day or so for this to happen before, so hopefully if they are still fine by Sunday, we will know everything is okay.
Stick with the TsWriter.ax you were using, unless DJBlu thinks there is a really good reason to try his. Really though, if you try his and the channel names are fine, we won't know which change (checkbox or TsWriter) is responsible.