Cover art not working during import V6 Myfilms (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 11, 2009
I've recently attempted to switch from My Videos the MyFilms
I am using the beta V6 MyFilms plugin and the 1.2.3 Version of MediaPortal
The problem I am currently experiencing is that when the grabber script imports my "Films", no cover art is grabbed
I can get the Cover art one-by-one in Mediaportal using the Coverart Manager.

In the AMC Updater I found the option the download Fanart for all files (Update Movies), but can't find a way to update cover art.

Should I be using a different Grabber script, or can someone explain where in the the AMC Updater UI I can bulk-update cover art.


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    Hi Norsak - welcome to My Films! It should grab the cover art for you when you import. I assume you used the Setup wizard to create your config settings - so IMDB-Full grabber? First check the path specified on Artwork tab for Covers - then verify if the images are there or not. If not, then you may need to post your MyFilms config xml and possibly logs - see Support in wiki for the gory details of what to post and where to find the files.


    Portal Member
    July 11, 2009

    A reinstall fixed this issue, the AMC updater with IMDB-Full script is now faithfully downloading cover art as expected. (Would still appreciate a tool for managing cover art for all movies)

    There are however a few remaining issues I would like to mention:

    1. No image in Big-Icon layout, when Cover Art file is very large
    About 5% of my Movies still show the 'No Cover' default icon. When I use the MP GUI to enter Cover Manager, I discover that there is in fact a valid image on file for most of them. Cover-manager can display the image fine, It shows as selected, but none of the GUI locations that use the Cover art show anything
    The common denominator seems to be that these files are all over 2MB is size.

    2. Ampersand in IMDB name, breaks Cover art
    Cowboys & Aliens. It doesn't matter what I call the file, if the grabber script identifies it MyFilms has issues
    • Cover art is downloaded
    • Visible in Cover manager
    • Larger version of Cover art visible when movie is selected
    • But no Cover art shows in Big Icons layout
    • Also the title always shows as "COWBOYS & ALIENS"
    3. Wrong cover art when there is a remake by the same title
    Clash of the Titans (2010) (tt0800320).mkv
    Clash of the Titans (1981) (tt0082186).mkv

    Is there perhaps a better way for me to name those files? The Grabber script identifies them correctly, all the details are displayed correctly.
    But only one image file is downloaded (Clash of the Titans.jpg), and displayed for both files. They also share the same fan art, though oddly the fan art from 1981 while the cover is from 2010.

    Any advice?


    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2007
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    3. Wrong cover art when there is a remake by the same title
    Clash of the Titans (2010) (tt0800320).mkv
    Clash of the Titans (1981) (tt0082186).mkv

    Is there perhaps a better way for me to name those files? The Grabber script identifies them correctly, all the details are displayed correctly.
    But only one image file is downloaded (Clash of the Titans.jpg), and displayed for both files. They also share the same fan art, though oddly the fan art from 1981 while the cover is from 2010.

    Any advice?

    When i have remakes i put the year in the title, as "Clash of the Titans 1981 (1981) (tt0082186).mkv" "Clash of the Titans 2010 (2010) (tt0800320).mkv" this allows separate fanart to be downloaded and separate covers to be downloaded with the cover manager

    I have the same issue with the large "HD" covers not displaying on my CTR 3:4 TV but they work on my HD TV. i just download a lower definition cover for the CTR TV and then it works.
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Would still appreciate a tool for managing cover art for all movies
    Did you try selecting only 'Pictures' field in AMCU on Database fields tab - then Update movies - Update Records - match on films where picture does not exist? In GUI: Global Updates (main menu) > 'incomplete Movie data' will display the movies where 'picture' is missing. There is a feature request in the tracker already (107: Allow user defined global updates via selecting AMCU configs from MyFilms GUI) to then update those in 'batch' mode via GUI ;) That feature will support much more than just batch cover updates!

    1. No image in Big-Icon layout, when Cover Art file is very large
    About 5% of my Movies still show the 'No Cover' default icon. When I use the MP GUI to enter Cover Manager, I discover that there is in fact a valid image on file for most of them. Cover-manager can display the image fine, It shows as selected, but none of the GUI locations that use the Cover art show anything
    The common denominator seems to be that these files are all over 2MB is size.
    Yep I think there is an issue with very large covers - I'll let @Guzzi report on that (beyond my pay grade ;))

    2. Ampersand in IMDB name, breaks Cover art
    Cowboys & Aliens. It doesn't matter what I call the file, if the grabber script identifies it MyFilms has issues
    OK I can confirm that for Cowboys & Aliens - strange because the cover name is correct (Cowboys & Aliens.jpg) but the Title is not :confused: I can reproduce on 'Peace, Love & Misunderstanding' as well

    3. Wrong cover art when there is a remake by the same title
    Further to what TLD said - in v 6 you can automatically add year or number (e.g. IMDb tt #) to cover filenames during import if you wish:
    See AMCU > Database fields tab > Cover Handling > Prefix/Suffix to file name
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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    1. No image in Big-Icon layout, when Cover Art file is very large
    About 5% of my Movies still show the 'No Cover' default icon. When I use the MP GUI to enter Cover Manager, I discover that there is in fact a valid image on file for most of them. Cover-manager can display the image fine, It shows as selected, but none of the GUI locations that use the Cover art show anything
    The common denominator seems to be that these files are all over 2MB is size.
    Hi Norsak,
    can you please provide a sample for a movie, where this issue occurs and info about grabber used, so I can check what is the root cause.


    Portal Member
    July 11, 2009
    Hi Norsak,
    can you please provide a sample for a movie, where this issue occurs and info about grabber used, so I can check what is the root cause.

    The Grabber script used is IMDB-Full, says it's V1.0; pressing Update Grabber Scripts states there are no available updates.

    Here are a few examples of file names which were automatically detected, where one correct Cover Art was automatically downloaded (large), but NO-COVER-ART is displayed in Big-icon layout, or in the 'Overview' once you click on a movie.

    2012 (2009) (tt1190080).mkv | 6.94MB | 1378x 2048
    500 Days of Summer.mkv | 4.94MB | 1275x 1965
    Apollo 18.mkv | 2.69MB | 972 x 1440
    Bounty Hunter, The (tt1038919).mkv | 3.03MB | 963x1432
    Burlesque (tt1126591).mkv | 2.6MB |1384x2048
    Star Trek (2009).mkv | 1.76MB | 1382x2048
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    Portal Member
    July 11, 2009
    3. Wrong cover art when there is a remake by the same title
    Further to what TLD said - in v 6 you can automatically add year or number (e.g. IMDb tt #) to cover filenames during import if you wish:
    See AMCU > Database fields tab > Cover Handling > Prefix/Suffix to file name

    This sounds promising, but is still not enough to solve the problem.
    Changing the Filename did not change anything

    Adding the suffix %year% or the suffix %number% had the following outcome

    1. both %year% and %number% resolved to the year, I never got the IMDB number in the file name of the cover art
    2. 2 different (correct) Cover Art are now downloaded, each with different year value in file name
    3. Only one set of Fan art is downloaded
    4. Only one set of files is generated for ThumbCache (losing the year suffix)
    5. Both Movies show the same coverart in Big-icon layout
    6. Each movie shows different (correct) cover art once clicked on and you're in 'Overview'
    So point 6. is a tiny step forward.
    Here is a screen shot of all the files generated inside C:\ProgramData



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    Hi Norsak,
    can you please provide a sample for a movie, where this issue occurs and info about grabber used, so I can check what is the root cause.

    The Grabber script used is IMDB-Full, says it's V1.0; pressing Update Grabber Scripts states there are no available updates.

    Here are a few examples of file names which were automatically detected, where one correct Cover Art was automatically downloaded (large), but NO-COVER-ART is displayed in Big-icon layout, or in the 'Overview' once you click on a movie.

    2012 (2009) (tt1190080).mkv | 6.94MB | 1378x 2048
    500 Days of Summer.mkv | 4.94MB | 1275x 1965
    Apollo 18.mkv | 2.69MB | 972 x 1440
    Bounty Hunter, The (tt1038919).mkv | 3.03MB | 963x1432
    Burlesque (tt1126591).mkv | 2.6MB |1384x2048
    Star Trek (2009).mkv | 1.76MB | 1382x2048

    Thanks for that info - will look into it. Indeed, the size of the covers grew over last years more and more - in the past, we were happy to get any "nice looking" covers at all from IMDB ;-).
    Actually, the "fix" would be easy - as both overview and bigicon get the original posters assigned - and we could just assign the big cached thumbs. That would solve the problem of not displayed images ...
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