CT TV Listings EPG Plugin (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 11, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

Thanks for getting to me.

Strange. The "54 54" thing might be a MP setting.
Look for something like add channel number to the channel display name.
Where might I find this option? Doesn't look familiar

Hope I have done this right here is my tv.log

2008-03-12 17:49:40.906250 [1]: ---- start setuptv ----
2008-03-12 17:49:40.906250 [1]: ---- check connection with database ----
2008-03-12 17:49:41.046875 [1]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
2008-03-12 17:49:41.156250 [1]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
2008-03-12 17:49:41.156250 [1]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
2008-03-12 17:49:43.203125 [11]: Controller: epg stop
2008-03-12 17:49:45.421875 [11]: Controller: epg stop


Portal Member
February 19, 2008
Just a comment to thoase in US and canada re: tv Listings. Of course CT TV seems to now be defunct or will be shortlly. I did see som info on Wiki that there is a grabber which can interpret the propritary Microsoft MCE listing Data which is designed for MCE only, but I have not been able to get thet to work.

I did get the Yahoo xmltv feed to work using grabber isusing GBPVR, i will assume this feed now works because of the recent introduction of Meedio by yahoo. I could not get the xmltv data to work in the epg of mediaportal....I did get it to work with the epg of GBPVR, and so I use a Virtual desktop program on my XP PC and keep both Media portasl on one desktop and the EPG of GBPVR on another and Hot key between the two. Technique works well for me.

terence buffalome902



Are you using YApi2XML? I gave it a try and it works swell. I have it configured to download the listings to the tvguide.xml that mediaportal automatically uses. Then only change I needed to make in mediaportal is to adjust for the timezone. So far so good. I really like the * option to flag new shows. I have a 2 month subscription to schedules direct that I will not renew since YApi2XML gives me faster (much much faster), better results for free.


Portal Member
February 19, 2008
Yes I am using YApi2XML and I have had no problems with the grabber. Based on your experience i will once again revisit the EPG of Portal with the yapl2xml feeder. Also: for those that wish to use Yapl2xml with gptvr and its associated epg i neede ti use ULTRAXMLTV I veleive its available at wiki what happens is as follows . The feed data comes from yahoo via Yapl2xml and is downloadd to your pc in a file we will call XMLTV , I then feed that info to the ULTRAXMLTV program whicg has the ability to perfrom small modoficayions on the XMLTV data to make it more compliant with soecific EPG's, I then feed the o/p of the ULTRAXMLTV into the epg of GPTVR.


Portal Pro
April 22, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

Did the CTTVLISTINGS provider close down?
I read on-line that they went offline in April 2008.

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