CybrDisplay External Status Plugin (2 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
February 2, 2007
The umlats are being represented on the display as "?"...
Did you add the translation table that you posted to the CybrDisplay.xml file?
Did the translations work when you added them?

Yes, i add the translationtable to the CybrDisplay.xml file
Yes, the translations works
I wouldt like map the umlats in MP

very sorry for my bad english


Portal Pro
March 20, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
So... next step... delete the CybrDisplay.xml and CybrDisplay_iMONLCDg.xml file from the MediaPortal directory... run configure and configure the plugin for LCD2. (this should eliminate a corrupted configuration)

Did that and also selected the delay option for the driver on troublesome USB devices.
And IT WORKS!!! :)

Thanks for all your patience and help!!

And as a last question... ;-) Do you also happen to know if there is a way to change the font of the clock that is displayed when the system enters S3 standby mode? The difference between a 4 and a 9 is barely noticable and it's in 12-hour format. I grew up with 24-hour clocks...
I have seen that FrontView has a font-setting for clock, but that seems to be the clock that is displayed when Frontview is in control of the unit.

It's not a big deal, but it would definitely be the icing on the cake if that could also be changed somehow.



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
Did that and also selected the delay option for the driver on troublesome USB devices.
And IT WORKS!!! :)


Thanks for all your patience and help!!

Your welcome...

BUT... I do want to point out to EVERYONE (not you specifically, Mercbac)... If people actually read the thread (because I keep asking people to READ... and they don't), they can get a lot of information on the operation of these devices... This issue is a KNOWN ANOMOLY, and a little bit of reading will save EVERYONE a lot of frustration!!

Do you also happen to know if there is a way to change the font of the clock that is displayed when the system enters S3 standby mode?

No... There is no known way to change the operation or font used by the device's internal clock. SoundGraph has not responded to any questions related to programming the displays, or about the displays full capabilities, so it is not known if this is a hardware limitation or not.

The option for the clock font i FrontView is only for when FrontView is in control of the display.

Yes, the translations works
I wouldt like map the umlats in MP

So... The display does not display "?" instead of the umlats...

You want the umlats that are displayed on the MediaPortal menus to be translated...

Currently, this is not possible... there is not a translation table for string translations internal to MediaPortal... You will need to ask someone that is working on the MediaPortal core (in the main MediaPortal support forum) for this feature...

But the changes of having it added are slim, as MediaPortal is currently in "Feature Freeze"


Portal Pro
March 20, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
BUT... I do want to point out to EVERYONE (not you specifically, Mercbac)... If people actually read the thread (because I keep asking people to READ... and they don't), they can get a lot of information on the operation of these devices... This issue is a KNOWN ANOMOLY, and a little bit of reading will save EVERYONE a lot of frustration!!

Yes, I am fully aware of that, and have actually tested the delay option on several of my earlier attempts with the older plugin versions.
I have worked in support for years and know how difficult it is to get get all the required info from the person you're trying to help. Apparently it is not easy either to provide all info or even think of all the options. :oops: I did read the entire thread before posting (as well as the Soundgraph support thread), RTFM... But still missed trying the delay option. So that's why I also said thanks for your patience.

Nothing to do about the clock then. Only two more issues to solve before my first dedicated HTPC can be moved from its test location to the living room.


Portal Pro
February 2, 2007
Sehr geehrtes Forum,

leider ist mein Englisch zu schlecht, so dass Cybermage mich nicht versteht. Ich formuliere mein Problem in Deutsch, in der Hoffnung jemand übersetzt es für mich.

Es werden keine Umlaute und kein ß angezeigt.

Ich benutze ein M-Play blast Display mit dem Cybermage-Plugin. Es funktioniert auch alles bis auf die Zeichen: üöäÜÖÄß

Diese Zeichen werden im Display jeweils nur als ein Fragezeichen dargestellt.

Da ich über die CybrDisplay.xml Datei die Zeichen einzeln identifizieren und auch einzeln übersetzen lassen kann, muss MP diese Zeichen auch eindeutig an das Plugin übergeben. Wie kann man das Plugin dazu bewegen diese Zeichen anzuzeigen?

Vielen Dank für Eure Mühe
Frohe Ostern

Dear Forum,

Unfortunately, my English is too bad, so Cybermage not understand me. I formulate my problem in German, in the hope someone translated it for me.

There are no umlauts and no beta.

I use an M-play blast with the display Cybermage plugin. It does everything except for the characters: üöäÜÖÄß

These characters are on display only as a question mark.

Since I wrote about the CybrDisplay.xml file individually identify the characters and also translated individually, these characters must MP also clearly connected to the plug. How can the plug to move these characters?

Thank you for your trouble
Happy Easter


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
leider ist mein Englisch zu schlecht, so dass Cybermage mich nicht versteht.
(Unfortunately, my English is too bad, so Cybermage not understand me.)

Correct. I did not understand you.
(Richtig. Ich habe Sie nicht verstanden.)

Es funktioniert auch alles bis auf die Zeichen: üöäÜÖÄß
Diese Zeichen werden im Display jeweils nur als ein Fragezeichen dargestellt.
(It does everything except for the characters: üöäÜÖÄß
These characters are on display only as a question mark.)

I specifically asked if adding the translations worked. You said yes...

Obviously, you did not understand me either.

Anyways, do this.

1) download and install the latest plugin (03_22_2008c)
1) delete the CybrDisplay.xml from your MediaPortal directory
2) run configuration.exe
3) go into the plugin configuration
4) select your display
5) click on "ok" to exit the plugin configuration
6) click on "ok" to exit MediaPortal configuration
7) run MediaPortal. Report your resuts.

Ich ausdrücklich gefragt, ob Sie den Übersetzungen gearbeitet. Sie sagten Ja ...

Natürlich, Sie haben mich auch nicht verstehen.

Wie auch immer, dies tun.

1) Downloaden und installieren Sie die neueste Plugin (03_22_2008c)
1) Löschen Sie die von Ihrem CybrDisplay.xml MediaPortal-Verzeichnis
2) laufen configuration.exe
3), kommen in den Plugin-Konfiguration
4) wählen Sie Ihre Anzeige
5) Klicken Sie auf "ok" zum Verlassen der Plugin-Konfiguration
6) Klicken Sie auf "ok" zum Verlassen MediaPortal-Konfiguration
7) laufen MediaPortal. Ihr Bericht resuts.


Portal Pro
March 2, 2005
Évora, Portugal

When your plugin starts it puts the option 'never' in imon's frontview and the remote don't work with this option in frontview!

How can we get to have the display and the remote working together ???

(Enableing frontview option when MP is active I'v got the too working...)


Portal Pro
February 2, 2007
1) Downloaden und installieren Sie die neueste Plugin (03_22_2008c) 03_22_2008d OK
1) Löschen Sie die von Ihrem CybrDisplay.xml MediaPortal-VerzeichnisOK
2) laufen configuration.exeOK
3), kommen in den Plugin-KonfigurationOK
4) wählen Sie Ihre AnzeigeVL System MPlay/LIS2 driver V03_09_2008b OK
5) Klicken Sie auf "ok" zum Verlassen der Plugin-KonfigurationOK
6) Klicken Sie auf "ok" zum Verlassen MediaPortal-KonfigurationOK
7) laufen MediaPortal. Ihr Bericht resuts.OK

eine Datei mit dem Namen ÜÄÖüäöß.avi wird im Display UeAeOeueaeoess.avi angezeigt.

eine Datei mit dem Namen ÜÄÖüäöß.avi wird im Display ÜÄÖüäöß.avi angezeigt.


Result: a file with the name ÜÄÖüäöß.avi is indicated in the display UeAeOeueaeoess.avi.
Desire: a file with the name ÜÄÖüäöß.avi is indicated in the display ÜÄÖüäöß.avi.

Apology, I did not want to make so much work for anybody.
I wanted to annoy also nobody.

Many greetings and glad Easter DD129


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
Desire: a file with the name ÜÄÖüäöß.avi is indicated in the display ÜÄÖüäöß.avi.

The internal character set of the MPlay Blast does not contain representations of the umlat characters. So what you want is not directly possible.

You can do it indirectly using the "custom characters" supported by the display, but you will need to wait for the 03_23_2008 version of the plugin.

Once the update is posted, you can then do this:

change your translation table to:


Then, run configuration, go into the plugin configuration, and then go into the "configuration editor" and select the "custom character" section. In this section, add new custom characters and use the bitmap editor to draw the representations you want for each character... (make sure that you start editing the characters at index one, not zero)


Portal Pro
February 2, 2007
thank you for the great support,

if I start with the version 03_23_2008 MP, for a few seconds,
in the first line dispplay "not active"
in the second line dispplay "Mediaportal"

Afterwards nothing more is indicated in the display.
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