CybrDisplay External Status Plugin (1 Viewer)

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  • April 22, 2004
    dd129: I guess cybrmage meant 03-23-2008, which is today!

    dd129: War vermutlich ein Schreibfehler. Cybrmage meinte wohl die nächste Pluginversion vom 23.03.2008, also heute.



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    if I start with the version 03_23_2008 MP, for a few seconds,
    in the first line dispplay "not active"
    in the second line dispplay "Mediaportal"

    POST LOGS!!!!!

    dd129: I guess cybrmage meant 03-23-2008, which is today!

    yep... that's what I meant.... That's what happens after a three-day fight with the flu (and a programming binge)... I tend to forget banalities such as dates.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    here are the log

    Thanks... In future though... please post the logs that match the version you are testing. (you reported a problem with the 03_23_2008 version, and posted the logs for the 03_22_2008 version)

    I did find, and hopefully fixed, a few issues... the updated version is in the usual place.


    Portal Pro
    March 2, 2005
    Évora, Portugal

    When your plugin starts it puts the option 'never' in imon's frontview and the remote don't work with this option in frontview!

    How can we get to have the display and the remote working together ???

    (Enableing frontview option when MP is active I'v got the too working...)


    Portal Member
    January 11, 2008
    (Enableing frontview option when MP is active I'v got the too working...)

    Try to set the frontview once you enabled it back to "never" mode.

    Could you please add this to your display plugin too.

    I've made four significant changes/additions to the driver in the last week to try to resolve this issue... And I've receive absolutely no feedback on what the changes did or did not accomplish.

    So.. without any detailed feedback, I'm not going to make any further attempts to resolve that issue... (as these changes can, and sometimes do, adversly affect the OEM displays that do not have this issue).

    You didn't receive any feedback?
    What kind of feedback do you need to receive?
    I was away for last two weeks, so I'm sorry I wasn't able to write some feedback, but ealier in this threat I tried to explain what still needs to be done to get the remote and the display work properly. So would you please net me know which kind of feedback you need.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    You didn't receive any feedback?
    That's right...

    There were plenty of complaints that the remote wasn't left in the right mode... or that they had to mess around with iMON Manager to get it to work.... but that's about it...

    What kind of feedback do you need to receive?

    ealier in this threat I tried to explain what still needs to be done to get the remote and the display work properly.

    Since I don't have one of these devices... and I don't have a device that will work with the iMon PAD remote... and I don't have an iMon PAD remote.....

    I have no idea what the difference in "keyboard" mode and "mouse" mode is...

    And describing what you need to do to get iMom Manager to put the remote in the correct mode doesn't tell me anything.

    Nobody (well... there was one... but that was the exception) posted any logs when the issue arose...
    Nobody described what, if any, changes to the remotes functionality or the driver's operation occurred when the new options were selected.... In fact most didn't even bother to say if they were using the new options or not.

    If you want the issue resolved... roll back your iMon Manager to the one that came with your device... and don't use the newest beta...

    If you want to use the latest beta of iMon Manager, and don't like the way it now operates... complain to SoundGraph about it.

    If you want a workaround for the problem... then you need to describe the problem fully and with enough detail that I can have some understand of what the device is doing... and how the operation of the plugin changes when you select each option...


    Portal Pro
    March 2, 2005
    Évora, Portugal
    Ok cybrmage: it's very good to have people like you in this project, thanks for the support you're doing a hard job supporting your plugin with nothing in benefit it's your work and congratulations it's very good.
    What happends with iMon PAD remote its that the Imon frontview must be 'on' to the remote work and your plugin disable it putting on the option 'never', it's just this simple...
    The difference in "keyboard" mode and "mouse" mode is just another option for the remote to control the mouse moviments (mouse pointer floating) in the 'mouse' option ; or control like using the keyboard arrows in 'keyboard' option!

    I tried to enable frontview after MP starts, we can get the pad to work but the display its always switching , showing in one moment MP information and next iMON infomation...


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Good Work!!

    Bye Cybrmage.
    I use your plugin from many months, since precedent version and I give you many thanks for your work!!!
    I have a Thermaltake Lanbox HT with iMon VFD and iMon PAD remote; my sistem is Vista Home Premium.
    I use VF3 dll version to let the RC to works and I use the option to return the control to the Imon Manager when MP stops.
    All works OK for me excepted some little problem I indicate to permit your works to became PERFECT.

    1) when MP starts in full screen, it isn't the Active Windows (the Vista logo rimain visible in left down corner and the RC commands are not executed) - to "fix" it, I simply "left click" on the window with the RC key and all goes OK (in windows mode, all is OK - with the option "MP always On Top" likewise);
    2) with EQ option, the display is OK; only the time for show EQ and file properties don't respect the set up - I use 7 or 8 seconds file properties every 10 seconds, but really I see 7/8 seconds every kind of display;
    3) lastly, it's "normal" to have many iMon icons in the right down corner when MP stops?

    Enclosed the Logs wit and without the "Always On Top" option actvated.

    I renew Many Thanks to You!!!! :D

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