CybrDisplay External Status Plugin (2 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
April 1, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
Very odd. Test 9 produces no log and shows no sign of recognizing any keys. I tried in mouse, keyboard, and button select. About 3 buttons (Select, Backspace, 8) on the remote will make the HID test crash or close not sure which.

Edit: I went back and looked closer and at the beginning of the HID test 9 it says :
"System Exception: NO SUPPORTED iMon DEVICE FOUND at InputService.Plugin.iMonHIDReceiver.Main<>"

I ran one of the old HID tests and it sees the iMon Pad just fine.


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
Hey cybrmage, was there supposed to be an attachment there? ;)

Actually.... yes... there was.... sorry 8-} It's there now...

iMon Firmware Ver 0x3c40 Inside HID
Did I do something wrong? Shell I do it different way?

No... you didn't do anything wrong....

The device you describe is a new one (I haven't heard anyone mention a versions 0x3c40 device before... So the test program (with looks for specific VID & PID combinations) can't find it...

I have added support for it in the test 9 file that is (now) attached above...

Since you were using the MCE remote with an external MCE receiver, you MAY need to set the iMon hardware to MCE mode using the iMon Manager software before the test will work ( I haven't figured out how to change modes on the HID device automatically yet)... Also, when you run the test, set the hardware mode to MCE....



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
at the beginning of the HID test 9 it says :
"System Exception: NO SUPPORTED iMon DEVICE FOUND at InputService.Plugin.iMonHIDReceiver.Main<>"

That would be a bug in the legacy device/ HID device detection code....

This one should fix it....


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
The My Radio bug was a known problem with XFace. I've updated to a more recent SVN version of the skin and it's resolved. If you think it's a skin issue I can try it with B2 Wide, but I doubt that's the problem.

I think that there are so many exceptions being thrown by your installation of MediaPortal, that it's difficult to pin down exactly where the problem is.... Escpecially since the display plugin and the EQ thread both run independantly of the main MediaPortal thread.... Exceptions thrown by other areas of MediaPortal COULD potentially affect them... or it could be a coincidence... The idea is to reduce the number of exceptions that appear in the log, and try to narrow down WHAT the problem is, and Where the problem is...

The behaviour first appeared with a much older SVN version (16800 or so) - I only upgraded to my current SVN version yesterday.

Yes... The problem appeared with earlier versions... but, after scanning the forums, I don't see defacto resolution... so the problem may still exist...

I do most testing with a stock installation on MediaPortal and nVidia codecs... I can't reproduce the problem (admittedly, with a real DVD, not with the daemon tools and an image)....

I'll give that a go when I get a chance

good luck 8-}...


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  • April 6, 2008
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    I'm following this thread for a couple of days now and i will try to help out here. My system:

    Imon Hardware: OEM (comes with the Antec Fusion 430/V2)
    Imon Manager: 7.01.0204 (i know you are recommending older version but this seems to work better for me)
    Imon Firmware: 0xa1
    Remote: Logitech Harmony 525 (setup as MCE remote).

    Also I checked "a 3rd party application is using the IMON driver" in the Manager configuration.

    Currently using your 11-04-2008 version of the plugin. All of the LCD stuff works great, i didn't encounter any real problems yet. Also if i use the remote option in your plugin it works! (almost every MCE button i tried worked!) but the response time is very slow (like if it's waiting for the lcd update cycle).

    I'm reading up on the rest of the thread and also cross checking the IR Server Suite thread to be of any assistance. To summarize: everything seems to be functional except for the fact that the remote reponse is slow


    Portal Pro
    April 1, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Same results for HID Test 10. No logs produced. Tried all 3 modes.

    "System Exception: NO SUPPORTED iMon DEVICE FOUND at InputService.Plugin.iMonHIDReceiver.Main<>"


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Ok... That's strange....

    Hopefully, this one will be better....
    (at the least, it has more logging)

    This version will create a DIFFERENT log file - iMonTestApp.log...


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi there,

    after updating my Mediaportal 0.2.3 Final with the latest SVN my Display (Alphacool 240x128) wont work with ExternalDisplay. So i read that there is this new thing called CybrDisplay. So i installed this one and copied my externaldisplay.xml and renamed it to the CybrDisplay File. But i dont get the same results as i had with the Externaldisplay Plugin. I dont see any Graphics. Some Lines that should be centered are now on the right side of the Display.

    I tried to read in this thread but it's hard to find the Information i need to correct this problem, because it's to big.

    Can anyone help??




    MP Donator
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  • April 23, 2007
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    Test 11 Results

    Ok... That's strange....

    Hopefully, this one will be better....
    (at the least, it has more logging)

    This version will create a DIFFERENT log file - iMonTestApp.log...

    Still not working cybrmage..... no imon device detected.......


    Portal Pro
    April 1, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Test 11

    Same result for test 11. No device found. I have attached the log.
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