CybrDisplay External Status Plugin (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
April 1, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
Test 12 Results

Here is are my results for test 12. The device is recognized again. However, there is still no change in the function of the mouse stick with keyboard/mouse button press.


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
there is still no change in the function of the mouse stick with keyboard/mouse button press.

Well.... Actually, there is.... (remeber... this is a TEST program, not a driver!!) The data processing is different... and there still seems to be a problem with handling the star and hash buttons...

So... time for a different test procedure (with the test 12 program)

Please run the test program, same startup parameters....

1) move the mousestick UP (hold for two seconds)
2) move the mousestick DOWN (hold for two seconds)
3) move the mousestick LEFT (hold for two seconds)
4) move the mousestick RIGHT (hold for two seconds)
5) Press the Mouse/Keyboard button
6) move the mousestick UP (hold for two seconds)
7) move the mousestick DOWN (hold for two seconds)
8) move the mousestick LEFT (hold for two seconds)
9) move the mousestick RIGHT (hold for two seconds)
10) Press the Mouse/Keyboard button
11) Repeat twice



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  • April 10, 2007
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    I do most testing with a stock installation on MediaPortal and nVidia codecs... I can't reproduce the problem (admittedly, with a real DVD, not with the daemon tools and an image)....

    I'll give that a go when I get a chance

    good luck 8-}...

    Ok, hopefully this will give you something to work with. I've done tests with both BlueTwo (normal, not wide) and XFace. I've also done both with EQ enabled and disabled. I've also done all of the above with a mounted image and a physical disk. For good measure I also did a run with BlueTwo and the plugin disabled (just mounted iso, not physical disk).

    Invariably, with the EQ enabled, the VFD display locks up and goes blank, as soon as the video starts playing. If MP doesn't crash, the display remains blank after stopping the video and performing other MP tasks (basically moving around menu structures). Quitting and restarting MP returns the VFD to normal behaviour.

    Frequently MP will crash with the EQ enabled - this only occurs after the video has been stopped, even though the VFD goes blank at the start of video playback. The crash always occurs as soon as the skinned interface comes back up.

    Interestingly, BlueTwo crashed less often when playing a mounted ISO image than XFace - in fact I couldn't crash it, although the VFD exhibited the behaviour described above. With XFace, it crashed eventually but sometimes took several goes.

    When playing a physical disk, on the other hand, BlueTwo crashed on the first attempt. This time, XFace wouldn't crash with a physical disk, but the VFD did lock up as before.

    There were no crashes or abnormal behaviour (VFD worked as expected) when the EQ was disabled (all skins and mounted/physical media), and, of course, when the plugin itself was disabled.



    PS - on a side note, I noticed a lot of errors in the logs with building graphs for DVD playback. I wonder if this has to do with the NVidia codecs being selected with the internal DVD Navigator in MP Config, rather than the NVidia navigator.


    Portal Pro
    April 1, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Test !2 Run 2

    Here is Test 12 doing the new procedure. I think I did 3 cycles but I lost count (lol). If you need more as you know just ask.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Ok, hopefully this will give you something to work with.

    Yes... but a quick look at the log for BlueTwowithEQ tells me it's NOT the plugin.... It shows normal shutdown of the plugin and mediaportal...

    The issue with the display blanking should have been fixed.... So, I checked the version of the plugin, and you have not updated to the fixed version (the one with extra exception handling!!).... SO, most of the logs will probably be on little use.... (BUT I do appreciate you taking the time to generate them... and I will look over all the logs...)

    On a more positive note... the exceptions do not appear with the BlueTwo skin....


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  • April 23, 2007
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    Test 12 results

    That's better.

    Log of "selectwithbutton" mode.

    usual story.... cycled through buttons, hit the mousestick toggle, cycled through again, then switched a few times at the end and hit the pad.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Here is Test 12 doing the new procedure.

    So far, so good... It looks like the keyboard/mouse mode switch is working properly....

    No to check the mouse buttons....

    Could Please do two tests this time.....

    Test 1... run the test app (same startup parameters as before)
    1) press the L.Click button
    2) press the R.Click button
    3) press the keyboard/mouse button
    4) press the L.Click button
    5) press the R.Click button
    6) repeat twice.

    Test 2... run the test app (same startup parameters as before)
    1) press the "8" key
    2) press the "*" key
    3) repeat 3 times



    MP Donator
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  • April 23, 2007
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    Here is Test 12 doing the new procedure.

    So far, so good... It looks like the keyboard/mouse mode switch is working properly....

    No to check the mouse buttons....

    Could Please do two tests this time.....

    Test 1... run the test app (same startup parameters as before)
    1) press the L.Click button
    2) press the R.Click button
    3) press the keyboard/mouse button
    4) press the L.Click button
    5) press the R.Click button
    6) repeat twice.

    Test 2... run the test app (same startup parameters as before)
    1) press the "8" key
    2) press the "*" key
    3) repeat 3 times


    Here you go......


    MP Donator
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  • April 10, 2007
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    Ok, hopefully this will give you something to work with.

    Yes... but a quick look at the log for BlueTwowithEQ tells me it's NOT the plugin.... It shows normal shutdown of the plugin and mediaportal...

    The issue with the display blanking should have been fixed.... So, I checked the version of the plugin, and you have not updated to the fixed version (the one with extra exception handling!!).... SO, most of the logs will probably be on little use.... (BUT I do appreciate you taking the time to generate them... and I will look over all the logs...)

    On a more positive note... the exceptions do not appear with the BlueTwo skin....

    Ah - I missed the info about a new version of the plugin. With regard to BlueTwo - it's true that it didn't crash with the daemon tools mounted ISO (as I outlined in the last post), but it did crash with the physical disk (whereas it didn't with XFace and the physical disk).

    If I get a chance, I'll repeat the process with the updated plugin version.



    PS - I've since tinkered with the DVD codec/navigator setup and the behaviour doesn't change regardless of which combination of Navigator (Internal MP/Cyberlink/NVidia) or codec (ffdshow/Cyberlink/NVidia) is used.
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