[confirm] Development issues (1 Viewer)


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  • May 14, 2008
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    Is there a guide how to build a "custom" full installer including the tve3? I've some custom modifications to the tvserver in mp1 and would like to adapt / port them to MP2. But i can't find the tvserver source code in the mp2 source code.


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  • July 25, 2010
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    MP2 imports the tve dlls as nuget packages as far as I know :)
    So you could create your own branch and change the references to your new dlls or just try to replace the dlls inside the MP2 install directory with the ones from your tve build. As long as the version information is the same and there are no api changes this should work


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  • May 14, 2008
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    ouch that sounds crazy and cool. but how does that work? MP1 uses MySQL MP2 uses SQLite. So where is the abstraction layer?


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  • July 25, 2010
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    I don't know all the dteails. Not my src :D
    This is the abstraction layer: https://github.com/MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2/tree/dev/MediaPortal/Source/UI/TV/SlimTvIntegration
    This actually integrates TVE3: https://github.com/MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2/tree/dev/MediaPortal/Source/UI/TV/SlimTvService3

    Here are all Tv related Projects: https://github.com/MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2/tree/dev/MediaPortal/Source/UI/TV

    The interfaces should be clear. MP2 defines everything again to have common base to support different Tv servers.
    The client should be also pretty clear.

    The NativTvProvider should be the UPnP Interface to communicate between Client and server. This in turn than loads the TVE3 or TVE3.5

    The MPExtendedProvider is an alternative to the NativeProvider.

    Hope that helps :D


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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Do you know where it grab the DDL's while installing / where this is defined? I also need change to the database schema.


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  • July 25, 2010
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    Do you know where it grab the DDL's while installing / where this is defined?
    You need the Nuget Package manager from Microsoft, you could also use the console, but this makes it easier: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/4ec1526c-4a8c-4a84-b702-b21a8f5293ca
    There is also a version for VS2010 and 2015

    Right click on the project (e.g. SlimTv.Service3) and select "Manage NugGet Packages" -> go to installed packages, but make sure that it restored all packages (it will tell you in a yellow info line in the nuget package manager, just press "restore" or build the solution once before.)

    The packages downloaded by nuget can be found here: MediaPortal 2\MediaPortal\Packages (source folder of MP)
    In the build.targets you can see the naming scheme for the TVE3 dlls: <ReferencesTarget Include="$(TargetDir)MediaPortal.TV.Server.*.dll" />

    But as said above: you can just uninstall the the nuget packages, reference your own dlls and modify the build,targets file to copy your files. Hope it helps ;)


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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks again. What do you mean by uninstalling the nuget packages and reference my dll? Still not clear how to archieve this.


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    MP Donator
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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    ah great! Sorry never used nuget before.

    What I'm missing is Gentle.Framework.SQLite which is not part of the normal tvserver from MP1.

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