I donated and it showed up on paypal account on April 7th as "OSDN / VA Software" I was wondering if it ever reached the MP Team? Just my pride showing I guess (sure wan't any big sum of money I gave and it is no where near what the software is worth - I plan to donate again later) because I was wondering if we are "suppose" to get a MP donator monikor once this has happened.
Just made my donation - I intend to add more over time also. The last few weeks have made such a change in terms of stability and I could not live without MP now that is isn't crashing
Thanks again for all your hard work - I knew you would get there eventually and it was worth the wait!!!
This topic is great idea ! it seems that it has convinced a few people to make a donation. I am one of those ! it was a long time now i was wanting to make a donation to the mp team, but you know how it goes ... "i will see that tomorrow".
Thank you stinger for this post, it decided me.
Edit: *partly removed* Please do not make such suggestions,thx.
I think that alot of people are waiting to donate until MediaPortal is 'stable' and meets their demands. I would just like to point out that this is a problematic strategy to say the least. MP needs donations now, while its in development, and not afterwards when its 'complete' enough to everybody to use. So if you like what MP is shaping up to, please donate now to speed up the development!